Sunday, August 1, 2010

uggs for sale 106 to build you a master communication

106 Communication to build you a master

success on the road to a network of more important than knowledge. Development of interpersonal relationships should be your highest priority thing. \The book includes many practical skills, relationships and prosperity to you through.

keep the essence, the following is a summary from the book of 106 tips. Practice these skills in practice, turned into a successful and fulfilling life, communication master.

1, to help others succeed is the nature of social

been used successfully in various forms to help others. Sharing out your knowledge and resources, time and energy, friends and relationships, compassion and love, which continued to provide value for others, while increasing its value.

2, to make his return

pay more because you provide value for others, others will contact you. So much to others rather than themselves.

3, do not keep

not think friendship is limited. This investment will be using the growing.

4, the key to success is the generosity

in social movement is not just for the sake of convenience, but generous.

5, a clear goal

your life you can and want to intersection is your passion. What is your most exciting thing? What you do will ever find time to fly?

6, clearly know what they want

more clearly what you want, you can find the methods to achieve more.

7, used to set goals for themselves

make you unique is the easiest way to set goals. The dream into a goal in life, and then broken down into smaller goals.

8, set the plan for the development of interpersonal communication networks

building is the process, your plan should include the following third:

1. you 3 years objectives and progress of every 3 months.

2. lists can help you achieve each target person.

3. how to point 2 listed in touch.

Once you set up a goal, you often see attached to the place.

9, create your personal \They are your \is as these people are friends, not potential customers.

11, and you know who to keep good contact

just beginning to focus on your current interpersonal networks of people .

12, bold

courage is amazing. be similar to the development of two different, may be different simply because the thickness of the nerve.

13, willing to resort to other people

happy to obtain a copy of opportunities can be created. You should be as willing to help others, stand ready to obtain the others. Remember, to make people say \before taking into account harvest

cheek and do not know what people say, you will naturally be afraid of failure dilemma. This is a risky thing, there must be harvested, there are achievements we must take risks. and nothing do not do is just mediocre.

15, to respect other people

respect everyone, regardless of height are equal.

16, transparent

open mind is a kinds of useful and popular attitudes.

17, make friends

good at communication, but not in the \results, rather than well-designed goals

18, ready to work

you want to see who? to see? see you later, he comments on what you are? these are to be ignored.

19, understanding and contacts between people

you how you have enough people who know your contacts, you can go deeper into his field of professional dialogues. you can easily appreciated. to find a rich and deep common ground, then you can contact and can easily impressed.

20, to understand other people's interest in

love with you is soon will become part of their life.

21, not a person to eat a meal

very easy to easy communication. and eat with the others, is an effective method of communication.

22, manage your information

effective information management is very important. If you structured, focused, insisted that no one will leave your communication network.

23, a list

classified according to their own goals (such as potential customers, potential employers, etc.) compiles its own list. not only a list of related units, but also lists the units have the right to speak in person. < br>
24, recognized the authority of your areas of expertise

order to achieve the goal, you know you are engaged in the field, who is the best. listed in the current area of the authority.

25, lists the people you already know

list of people you already know: relatives, college students, past students, former teachers, colleagues before ... ....

26, flexible organization of information

the way you manage your list should be flexible. by location, by industry, close to the degree ... ...

27, using someone else's contact list, add your own

list of others is your resource.

28, a \people, you may wish to know them in the future.

29, contact complete strangers (Cold Call)

to strangers when you need to call, how will some of you fear. simply bite the bullet. just think they will succeed. get to know a new challenge and an opportunity

30, insisted

contact with others if you are, others did not reply. you want to continue contact them. you have to take initiative. or even aggressive.

31, contact person associated with indirect (Warm Call)

with the following four rules to

1 to express reliability: mention of the person or unit.

2, made valuable: you can do for them?

3, this urgency and convenience: in most cases Next, suddenly the sole purpose of calling to schedule a meeting.

4, ready to compromise: the beginning of positioning higher, leaving room for discussion.

32, the guards look as allies rather than enemies

guards should also be respected. not to annoy them.

33, never disappear

in the establishment of social networks to remember: First of all, always Do not disappear. disappear worse than failure.

34, to remain visible and active

filled your social, meeting and events calendar. you have to start-up network of friends and relations remain visible and active.

35, many things will be arranged with

you contact others in order to succeed you have to work, but that does not mean you have to spend a lot of time. can be arranged the same event to save time. If invited to meet with people who all want to see.

36, find fun

communication is interesting, is not a waste of time..

< br> 37, to share your passion

shared interest is the foundation of any relationship. When you really interested in when certain things are very contagious..

38, emphasis time the quality of the friendship established on both sides

spend quality time rather than quantity.

39, follow-up or failure

and after meeting to people contacts, to make people remember you. follow-up is the key.

40, immediately follow up

after you meet with them within 12 to 24 hours should continue to follow up. E-mail is the quickest way.

41, do not forget to follow up

again a month later, to give others a message. keep in touch.

42, meeting, spend time with people sharing

Council is to be misunderstood as a place to look for ideas. wrong! meeting is only one advantage: it is a place to make like-minded people.

43, so the organizers
< br> not only do the participants; do organizer. good information in advance preparation: intention to see who, how, see, in which see.

44, public statements speak for others

Remember that your one of the most simple and effective way..

45, as many do not follow

meeting with the inseparable best friends. as much as possible to follow others .

46, to maintain contact with the master communication

there are some people who know far more than we. These people are the core of each network. If you can make friends with these people. you and thousands of links, they are only by the individual.

47, as much as possible with acquaintances

(acquaintance = know, but who is not particularly close)

contacts usually the most important people are those acquaintances. Why? because of our closest friends and we know almost everything. So the more people who met you the more powerful

48,uggs for sale, to get to know people in all areas

we not only know the thousands of people,ugg sale uk, and understanding of thousands of people in different fields.

49, the exchange of contacts with other people

expand your circle of friends is the most effective way to your circle and the circle of people connected.

50, set up your organization committee

politicians are \Commission \Improve your \capacity, for personal advancement, than any other important things.

52, true to yourself

be impressive, unique is the key. to guarantee different , to do the real you. do have their own charm. your uniqueness is your strength.

53, \the role of others in casual conversation, great.

54, speak the truth

When you understand the best way of breaking the silence that is mind he, after thinking about launching a conversation not so terrible.

55, learn to use non-verbal communication

others see you, as long as 10 seconds to decide whether the unconscious will like you. This argument is based on the language communication.

56, ready to talk about the material

ready to talk about things. attention to current events and cultivate a number of hobbies.

57, learn to listen
< br> first to understand, to be understood.

58, to remember people's names

nothing more than his name sounds like a comfortable.

59,uggs sale, in good faith

no doubt, to be someone else as a special person, you have to let people think he is very special in your eyes.

60, trying to find the power of others

when you first communicate with others, we can find each other's power. Their power is based on three general: to make money, find love, to change the world.

61, to help others realize their soul's desire

initiative to help people solve their critical issues, allowing them very closely.

62, make themselves indispensable to others who

essential nature is very important. To indispensable need to keep your own information,ugg outlet, social relations, good communication to the people as much as possible..

63, to think about you How can I make everyone around them to succeed

when someone tells you he met point problem, you have to think in what ways. solution comes from your experience, your knowledge, there Your friend, your assistant

64, the initiative to provide help

Do not wait to help people put forward, to take the initiative.

65, dissemination of knowledge

financial and personal connections when you are not a long time, in order to profit through social networking is possible. This is to through knowledge. you can easily learn your personal network in the dissemination of knowledge.

66 , the success of others interested in the success of others

interested, you can change within 2 months of the more successful. you can take two years for others interested in your success . (Dell? Carnegie)

67, from time to time in the small contact

80% of the relationship only through a small link to sustain. you have to keep in contact, contact, contact ... ... Never stop. you want to keep your network of charging people to ensure that it does not wilt.

68, repeat, repeat

in mind that to get good people mind you , have a very critical way: repeat..

69, to establish scoring system

scoring system allows you to establish relationships easier to maintain. For example:

1. \To contact the last time.

70, the small link into your schedule

you need to link into your little one of the areas.

71, a personal name

if possible try to make all information in your own name.

72, do not forget the birthday

birthday should be your best networking opportunities.
< br>

73, and the \They dined at the same time point electric charge.

74, to be a fun person

fact, everyone you meet will ask themselves the question like this: \hours of time and have lunch with this man? \views.

76, no reservations to keep on learning to share your content with others

different,uggs sale, you have to ruthless learning, sharing, selling your content.

77, get other people's content

Sometimes you can get easily to other people's ideas into their own content. and then leading, sharing, application of these ideas.

78 provide your own content

other times, you have to provide their own content to spend their brains. you need to know all kinds of information, and then string them together unique.

79, attention

1 but with resonance, it will attract attention. you have to offer is simple: a vivid story.

80, an expert

to become the person creating the content The most common way is to do an expert. do experts do: Put your expertise to teach others, written for others, said to the others.

81, teach what you want to learn
< br> to teach others, this is your learning, understanding the best way.

82, use stories to the contents of your content

powerful form of expression with the story, can help to achieve targets . When you tell a story, use your feelings to make those skeptics believe

83, to establish a strong personal brand

the brand is very competitive, but it is always based on the provision of products value rather than in the manner described. good personal brand can do three things: make people feel authentic, unique and can be trusted.

84, so that their unique

the expression of your brand to provide the things you can express why you are special, to tell the people why they keep in touch with you.

85, increasing the value of

in a brand You need to focus on and what you have done and continue to increase in value. This means that you need to continue beyond.

86, create a personal brand logo

When people hear you read name, you want people to think? your logo should include the people that you will use all the words.

87, packaging of your brand

to look valuable, but you have to look bright and professional. so why not build a personal website?

88, to promote your brand

If you do not promote themselves, other people do not will. your success depends on how other people recognized your work, this also depends the quality of your work

89, and the media to maintain contact

you would from now on and the media to maintain contact, not so you really have to tell them the story before you go to them.

90, vigorously promote the message content, rather than on

you should promote to the people of your heart sense of mission, not your pride.

91, co-writing

writing skills if you are poor, you can write with the others. Through such co-writing, you had few associates, can make your personal network process exponential growth.

92, wrote articles

writing can greatly facilitate your career development. let you in a short time became concerned about being.

93, adhere to good writing to become good writers

to become a writer: \When you are finished, continue to write \the lives of friends around a big difference.

95, confidence-building

trust is the key to these authoritative approach. let other people trust you to contact them without any ulterior motivation. let others trust you as an ordinary person and not their star

96, to participate in Association

now various associations. If you want to face to face with those influential people, you must first become a participant.

97, set up your own club

sometimes you have to participate in some valuable club, did not participate due to various reasons. Why do not they do clubs do? develop their own promotional plans to establish a new organization. invite those you want to meet people to join your organization.

98, modest

arrogance is a disease, it will make you forget true friends, forget the importance of having friends. When you progress to maintain modesty. to help other people with you progress, even more than you.

99, review your frequent review of the past

your past, and those from an early age is very important people in your contact

100, look for several instructors

to find a material, experienced, and willing to invest time to help you progress instructor. and not merely on salary and prestige to determine their own career development.

101,ugg classic Tall, take numerous family

three from everyone, you can learn a lot around people.

102, to establish a good mentoring relationship

successful mentoring relationship requires effective and passion. effect means that you can let the teacher can see his impact on you. Passion means that your instructors will progress to your input.

103, find a few disciples

when you keep on trying to move upwards, they must come back to help other people. you from your students who learn a lot

104, upholding the principle of

communication should be forward, not backwards to compromise. with people must not go against their own values.

105, do not try to balance your professional and private life

you should be the occasion for people of different customs provide the same value. rather than the working life of people living into two parts.
< br> 106, create a close friendship

how many people can enter your home, your open refrigerator looking for food? are close friends, will make you happy.

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