Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nursery admission for at least five years will be difficult ugg adirondack ii

Nursery schools is difficult to college

Source: Sichuan Online

2010 年 07 月 22 日 00:54

I Laishuoliangju (1163)

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[Abstract] get in public kindergartens and private nursery places tension prices, even pre-school this year, Beijing Tiantongyuan region rose by 70%. This is a salaried employee,ugg adirondack ii, there are a lot of pressure. Parents have a sigh: \Nursery admission issue difficult problem in China will be at least five years. [I Laishuiliangju]

1: nursery difficult to difficult to college page 2: nursery difficult for at least five years of Page 3: Early Childhood lack of resources on page 4: The pre-school nursery for one year into the compulsory education

hard difficult to college

reporter Zhu Fina

7 months, coincided with the peak time nursery school enrollment can be both types of public park or private garden, well in advance of this year, regarded the work, and some in the spring completed the enrollment,uggs for cheap, and some even the end of the quota is full up.

the same time, there kindergartens prices surge this year, increases also make decisions by themselves, even pre-school this year, Beijing Tiantongyuan region rose by 70%. Parents soon as this can only sigh: \

child nursery painstaking

lives of Miss Xu Wang Jing, Chaoyang District, Beijing son nearly three years old, the age of just admission to the fall. However, Desktop Wallpaper born in 2007 too many, her house had a corridor six people five Baby. To this end, the second half of last year, Miss Xu began to do next. \into. private garden there polarization,cheap australia ugg boots, a little bit more and more aristocratic reputation of the private garden, the monthly fee easily three or four thousand, four thousand, and parents rush, there has also been an increasing number of low-cost black nursery . \

such as Miss Xu after 70 and 80 after the parents, most highly educated, and choosing a good nursery to become the parents of the most \

So, Miss Xu began to wait for the end of last year from Beijing Normal University Experimental Kindergarten Wangjing pm Park admission. Kindergarten teacher, said in September normally apply for admission in 3,4 months. \She would like to let her son in the Community nursery grievances a year, then consider changing garden. Therefore, she must continue to look for in this way.

public park crush

similar to the Beijing Normal University Experimental Kindergarten, so Park Wangjing points \places. Some places still remaining, but the competitive-run park, will be used to defer admission time approaches, so that parents can not wait, \

\said the kindergarten programs this year, enrollment in previous years, were about 60 people, but last year, the enrollment of up to 400 people, so this can only try to take care of residential property owners.

As for next year's enrollment, the teacher said: \

learned, similar to this one of a class of kindergarten, line up three days is not too much. June 9, Changping District, Beijing Industrial Kindergarten registration, or even 9 days 8 nights queuing phenomenon.

According to statistics, nearly three years in Beijing, 46 million infants were born, but the city's 1266 Public Kindergarten can only accept the 226 000 school-age children, the line became that no channels the only option for families.

Air Force Blue Sky Kindergarten this year, a new residential area in Chaoyang district, \brochures. Open for applications from May, less than two months have been recruited over all places. -1 300 1,100 yuan per month fees, sponsorship fees each year 6000, tuition fees and sponsorship fees are likely to rise next year.

private garden prices the deal is off

get in public kindergartens, and parents have fought in private kindergartens, private kindergartens for two years but a prevalent situation in places tension prices. These fees could range from two to three private kindergartens million a year, as many as 89 million, which a salaried employee, no doubt for a lot of pressure.

reporter went to the kindergartens, in Chaoyang District, Ho Hung-admission application about the situation. Admissions Office of the teacher, said: \, we can only register them first and Arranging, waiting for vacant places, or so the next enrollment. \registration of birth has more than 30.

\teacher said.

happy spring garden nursery teacher Beiyuan min told reporters: \fee is 2,100 yuan per month, not necessarily the next year. \

based bilingual kindergarten teacher to accompany told reporters, school fees, basically raised each year in August once a rose 6000, parents of a submitted application for admission, it is necessary to pay 1660 yuan registration fee, and whether the park or not, the registration fee are not refundable. The kindergarten fee schedule is as follows: day-care costs 5,500 yuan / month, if the stay was 6300 yuan / month; meal was 400 yuan / month, accommodation, meals plus 100 yuan / month; train costs 600 yuan; Insurance costs 80 yuan / year; piano costs 3,000 yuan / half a year. Rough estimates of what these items cost an average monthly cost to about 7,000 yuan. The cost does not include a variety of interests and specialties course fees, charges high is astounding. Even so, the park in September of this year's quota had been recruited over. As the scarcity of educational resources, many parents have with children left Tiantongyuan, live rent school life. China Economic Times

Abstract] get in public kindergartens and private nursery places tension prices, even pre-school this year, Beijing Tiantongyuan region rose by 70%. This is a salaried employee, there are a lot of pressure. Parents have a sigh: \Nursery admission issue difficult problem in China will be at least five years. [I Laishuiliangju]

1: nursery difficult to difficult to college page 2: nursery difficult for at least five years, page 3: page 4 of preschool lack of resources: the school year into the compulsory education

nursery difficult for at least five years

reporter Zhu Fina

7 13, the central reform and opening up held the fourth National Education Conference, the meeting stressed the need to gradually achieve the equalization of basic public education services. However,ugg bailey button, experts say, because my country has long balanced distribution of education resources, Jia Shang past two years, the advent of peak fertility, increased non-household Renkoubuduan, systems and so factors, Dao Zhi Nan nursery admission of problems plagued our country five years at least Haihui .

serious imbalance in supply and demand

\Director of City Board of Education pre-school education Zhang Xiaohong, at present, all kindergartens in Beijing were 1253. Public nature of the nursery (including the Government Office Park, Unit Departments Park, etc.) accounted for 70%, private garden 409. \8 million people.

Beijing Normal University, Liu Yan, a professor of pre-acceptance interview with China Economic Times said: \high, with ties into a phenomenon, in the final analysis because of the scarcity of resources we have quality education. \

\. \

birth peak with nearly the same \As China's urbanization rate continue to increase, a large number of children came to the city.

statistics show that nearly three newborns in Beijing, household population, 49%, 51% of non-household population. Beijing pre-school development plans showed that pre-existing resources, in principle, meet the household needs of birth of the park.

decreasing instead of increasing public kindergartens

the other hand, there is no public kindergartens and nursery growth in number with increasing, but at significantly reduced. Liu Yan told reporters that this phenomenon is most prominent in Beijing. Beijing is the city's kindergartens, only 10% of public kindergartens. From 1996 to 2009, the 13 years after Beijing, the formal registration of kindergartens within the reduced number of more than half.

\For example, in 2000, we have our enterprises, institutions, organizations run kindergartens, 16 000, when in 2007 into 5000, a decrease of nearly 70%.

this, Workload that formed under the planned economic system to unit-based collective office park, public welfare and the welfare of significant features of pre-school system is broken, the enterprise's logistic services to many enterprises reform Kindergarten into the community, kindergarten was spun off from the original units, have been Guantingbingzhuan, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of kindergartens.

\, service and support. At this point, the government should be duty-bound, otherwise there is no power companies. \

with government funds the construction of public parks because they have the best educational resources, but by those who misuse power and influence a limited number of places to trade power for money to provide the soil, still enjoying relatively low-cost \On the other hand, the weak, low-income families because of the powerless, and deprived the State of the Waste Management services to be provided, queuing overnight for small to rely on the hope, or have to pay big bucks on private kindergartens.

guide policy is not perfect led to construction of hard

construction is difficult, \

Beijing Municipal Education Commission spokesman level of joint line, said pre-existing cause of guiding the development of the system is not sound policy, investment system is not clear, lack of pre-primary institutions of public office and other issues. In accordance with the provisions of relevant state documents, the development of pre-school education is \Pre-school facilities construction has been lagging behind economic and social development. China Economic Times

[Abstract] get in public kindergartens and private nursery places tension prices, even pre-school this year, Beijing Tiantongyuan region rose by 70%. This is a salaried employee, there are a lot of pressure. Parents have a sigh: \Nursery admission issue difficult problem in China will be at least five years. [I Laishuiliangju]

1: nursery difficult to difficult to college page 2: nursery difficult for at least five years, page 3: page 4 of preschool lack of resources: the school year into the compulsory education

Government The Lack of early childhood education functions of resource-poor

reporter Zhu Fina

enroll in kindergarten the peak hours, the Beijing Xiaoqing Zhu Village of more than a dozen \

\come forward to rectify the government to ban it. However, the closed doors after the Government must take over, or how these children do?

this, explore the Kindergarten \extremely lacking.

preschool should strengthen the public nature of

Liu Yan pointed out that China currently too much emphasis on pre-primary educational function, but weakened the function of the nature of their childcare, this is cart before the horse. Pre-school education is a social public good is a quasi-public goods. Be able to enjoy, to pre-school, is now before the children of sociology should have rights.

\Daily News reporter said.

CPPCC Beijing Municipal Education Health and Sport Committee invited members of Beijing, a president of the Central Plains Workload interview, said: \is a 'community-based, model-run'. the government's Public Park, a small model even fulfilled its obligation to shift the primary responsibility for pre-organized into a society and the market into the private pre-school education organized. \

It is not clear because pre-primary education,uggs for sale, making pre-primary financial funds are not protected. For a long time, no single provision of pre-charged to have been included in the primary and secondary education budgets, the overall low level.

preschool education in China has been funding the education budget accounts for only 1.3%, while developed countries are generally more than 3%, while France and Denmark,uggs sale, respectively 11.1% and 10.6%. \\

government investment required to \

Research Association of China Xiao-Xia Feng preschool that universal pre-school education should focus on rural areas, changing the direction of the past, even better, to provide a temporary relief.

of early childhood resources most prominent manifestations of the imbalance between urban and rural areas, urban schools \\

fiscal system of pre-allocation of funds is the tilt of the greatest features is the key focus of funded kindergartens, and kindergartens in rural areas rely on hundreds or even tens of dollars a year tuition fees for survival. Currently rural pre-school gross enrollment rate of only 3 years 35.6%.

reporters Susong County, Anhui Province, more than 5,000 population of the Golden Village, a total of four kindergarten, cost only 200 yuan per semester -300 dollars, only admit children over 6 years, to complete a year of elementary school directly . So, strictly speaking, can not be called regular kindergarten, is the so-called \

the same time, the process of growing children of migrant workers has also led to more and more \

Beijing CPPCC special study group had a data released last year,ugg boots store, Beijing has reached 1298 cottage nursery, kindergarten than through the formal registration of more than 32. Fees low, teachers varies greatly, conservation facilities, simple, safe facilities are not in place, accidents occur. This year, several kindergartens and even a fire, injuries in young children.

government rent-seeking lead to \

private kindergarten the other extreme is the \Private kindergartens in many parts of China approved tube separation. Private garden is not registered right of approval of education department, administrative departments and no law enforcement powers, the management is very difficult. In addition, our country has no national paper kindergarten charges, local kindergartens charge items, fees vary widely grade.

even more unfair is that the \It is understood that, with the rapid development of real estate, some newly built residential area in large quantities. Private kindergartens, nurseries, such as the general contractor neighborhoods in the local Board of Education each year to pay the costs of state-owned assets, possession (an average of 300,000 yuan per year -60 million range, costs are increasing year by year). Pay the amount of money each year the state-owned assets, possession charges, will surely increase the cost of inputs organizers, will inevitably increase the cost of inputs through authorized to adjust fees and transferred to the majority of child care to parents.

Liu Yan said: \Private kindergarten fees tend to be reasonable. at the same time to develop realistic standards registered office park, to meet the quality requirements of a small nursery education can be registered. \

reporters found, whether in public parks, High Park or the ordinary private garden, early childhood education mobility is very large, private kindergartens is particularly serious, which is extremely detrimental to early childhood education.


[Abstract] get in public kindergartens and private nursery places tension prices, even pre-school this year, Beijing Tiantongyuan region rose by 70%. This is a salaried employee, there are a lot of pressure. Parents have a sigh: \Nursery admission issue difficult problem in China will be at least five years. [I Laishuiliangju]

1: nursery difficult to difficult to college page 2: nursery difficult for at least five years, page 3: page 4 of preschool lack of resources: the school year into the compulsory education

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