Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reserved must know the rules of the social life of the famous cheap uggs

1, Matthew
2, watches Theorem
3, the law is not worth
4, Peter Principle
5, zero-sum game theory
6, Washington, co-laws
7, wine and sewage laws
8, buckets Law
9, mushrooms management
10, Occam's razor Law
11, 28 rule
12, a question of money

1, Matthew
\before each one to three servants money, told them: \\\Report of the second servant said: \\The third servant, the report said: \\Any more, even to him, tell him the more the better. \Look around us, we can find many examples of Matthew. Friends and more people will be more frequent contacts with friends; lack of friends who will always go alone. Especially with regard to money, even if the same rate of return, a 10 times more investment than others who have more than 10 times earnings. This is a winner-take-all society, use of Matthew, the winner is you. On business development is concerned, Matthew tells us, in order to maintain the edge in one area, we must rapidly expand in this area. When you become a leader in the field, even though the same return on investment, you can more easily get more than their counterparts in the weak earnings. But if there is no strength quickly in a big field, we must constantly look for new development areas in order to guarantee access to a better return.

2, watches Theorem
watch Theorem is a man with one watch, you can know What time is it, and when he has two tables Shique can not be determined. 2 table and can not tell a person a more accurate time, but will let people watch losing the confidence of accurate time. You have to do is select the more reliable one, try to calibrate it and use it as your standard, follow its guidelines. Remember the words of Nietzsche: \\However, the distress of many people is: they were \road, for this purpose depressed life, even if made great achievements by the people, but also experience less success and happiness.
watch Theorem in business management gives us a very intuitive inspiration, is the same person or with an organization's management can not simultaneously use two different methods, can not set two different goals simultaneously. Everyone can not even two people to simultaneously command, or will the business or the person at a loss. Theorem another layer of meaning within the meaning of watch is that each one can also choose two different values, otherwise you will be caught
chaotic behavior.
Third, the law is not worth
the law is not worth the most intuitive interpretation is: not worth doing, not worth doing, this law seems to be easier, but its importance is often forgotten by people sparse. Not worth the Law reflects a psychological, a person engaged in a self that is not worth doing, tend to remain cynical, half-hearted attitude. Not only the success rate is small, and even if successful, will not feel much sense of accomplishment. What things should be done? In general, this depends on three factors.
1, values. On the values we've talked a lot, and only in line with our values,cheap uggs, what will we do with enthusiasm.
2, personality and temperament. If a person do with his personality and temperament of a completely contrary to the work, he is very difficult to do well, such as a good contacts have become archivists or who had a shy and different every day dealing with people.
3, the reality of the situation. Similarly, a job, go on to do in different situations, to our feelings are different. For example, in a large company, if you first do is to work odd jobs to run errands, you may think is not worth it, but once you promoted to foreman or manager, you will not think so the.
sum up, it is worth doing is: in line with our values for our personality and temperament, and to allow us to see hope. If your work does not have these three factors, you should consider changing to a more suitable job, and try to do it. Therefore, individuals should be in a variety of alternative goals and values, select one, and then strive for. \While on a business or organization, they have a good analysis of the personality characteristics of employees, a reasonable distribution of work, if we allow achievement of the workers want a strong individual or lead to certain risks and difficulties to complete the work, and in its completion to give recognition and praise time; to attach a strong desire for more participation of workers to a XXXXX with the work group; to lust for power as an employee with a strong ability to adapt to the director. At the same time to strengthen the staff of the business goals of the identity, so that employees feel their work is worth it, so as to arouse the enthusiasm of employees.
4, Peter Peter Principle is the principle of
劳伦斯彼得 American scholars in the organization for promotion of related phenomena study reached a conclusion; in various organizations, as used in a certain level on the promotion of qualified personnel promoted, so employees always tend to be promoted to the status of their incompetence. Peter Principle is sometimes referred to as \This phenomenon is everywhere in real life: a competent professor was promoted to University after the incompetent; a good athlete was promoted to director of sports officials, and doing nothing. An organization, once a significant part of the organization staff pushed to the level of their incompetence, the organization will result in overstaffing,cheap uggs, inefficiency, resulting in mediocre person to succeed in stagnation. Therefore, it requires a simple change, \. To establish a scientific and reasonable mechanism for personnel selection and objective evaluation of each employee's ability and level, will be qualified workers to arrange their positions. Do not post promotions as the main reward of the workers, should be a more effective incentive mechanism, more to pay, vacation etc. as incentives. Sometimes an employee can not be promoted to a good play to their positions, not only is not a reward for employees, but employees can not make a good play can also cause losses to the enterprise. For an individual, although each of us are looking forward to keep a promotion, but do not climb as their only motivation. Its not fully competent in a job managed to support, at a loss, not as good as he can find a good capability to post their talent.
5, zero-sum game theory
when you see those two play chess, you can say They are playing \Because in most cases, there is always a win, one lose, if we win counted as 1 point, and Shu Qi as -1 points, then this is the sum of two scores: 1 + (-1 ) = 0. This is the \Zero-sum game principle reason for broad interest, mainly because it was found in all aspects of society can be found with the \From personal to national, from politics to economy, it seems that without exception, the world is a huge validation of \This theory that the world is a closed system, wealth, resources, opportunities are limited, individuals, individual regions and individual countries, the increase in wealth necessarily mean that others in other regions and countries of plunder, which is a \But the 20th century,uggs on sale, mankind experienced two world wars, economic growth, technological progress, globalization and the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the \People began to realize that the \Through effective cooperation, a happy ending is possible. However, \\
6, Washington, co-rule.
cooperation law in Washington, said that: a person half-heartedly, two people passing the buck, three people were never brought to fruition the day. Somewhat similar to us, \Cooperation between people is not the simple sum of human, but much more complex and subtle. In interpersonal cooperation, assume that each person's ability to have 1, then the result of cooperation of 10 individuals are sometimes much larger than 10, sometimes even smaller than 1. Because animals were not static, but rather the direction of diverse energy naturally achieve better results when compared to promote each other is nothing in conflict. Our traditional management theory, research on the cooperation was not much reflection is the most intuitive, most of the current management system and industry are working to reduce unnecessary human consumption,ugg knightsbridge, rather than using organizations to improve human performance. In other words, we might say that the main purpose of management is not that everyone do their best, but to avoid excessive internal friction. The 21st century will be an era of cooperation, it is fortunate 是, more and Duo of the people have recognized the importance of sincere cooperation,uggs for sale, Zhengzai to learning cooperative. Bonnie human law: a person can dig a hole in one minute, 60 second kind of person but can not dig a hole. Cooperation is a problem, how cooperation is also a problem.
7, wine and liquor and sewage effluent
Law is the law, if a spoonful of wine into a bucket of water, you get a bucket of water; if a spoonful of sewage poured into a bucket of wine, you still get a bucket of water. Almost any organization, are difficult to get a few characters there,cheap ugg boots, the purpose of their existence seems to get things wrong. Everywhere they tell tales, spread rumors to undermine the harmony within the organization. Worst of all, they like fruit box of rotten apples, if you do not in time, it will quickly spread to other fruit box get rotten apples, \damaging. An honest and competent people into a chaotic department may be swallowed, but not before a man without virtue who will soon turn into a mess of a highly efficient department. Organizational systems are often fragile, is built on mutual understanding, compromise and tolerance on the basis, it can easily be violated, was poisoned. Another important destroyer of the extraordinary ability to reason is easier to destroy than to build. A skilled craftsman to spend time carefully crafted ceramics, a donkey out of a second can be destroyed. If you have more of the skilled craftsman, not how many decent work outcomes. If your organization has such a donkey, you should immediately get rid of it; If you are unable to do so, you should put it tied up.
8, buckets bucket's law is the law of
say, a bucket can hold much water, It totally depends on the shortest piece of wood. This means that any organization could face a common problem, that constitute the various parts of the organization often determines the level of the organization. Constitute the various parts of the organization are often missing the merits, but some poor decisions throughout the organization are another level. , \other parts of the worse, you can not throw them as a rotten apple. Strength is only relative, can not be removed. The problem is that you tolerate this kind of vulnerability to what extent. If it is so serious bottleneck that hinders the work, would have to have action.
If you are in an organization, you should:
1, ensure that you are not the weakest part;
; 2, to avoid or reduce this vulnerability impact on your success;
3, if unfortunate, You are at this link, you can also take effective measures to improve or change jobs to seek another job.
9, mushrooms management
mushroom management in many organizations who treat a fledgling management for beginners placed in a dark corner (not taken seriously in the department, or working odd jobs to run errands), doused with a dung (unwarranted criticism, blame, vicarious expiation), left to its own devices (without the necessary guidance and guide and support ). I believe many people have such a \fantasy, let us closer to the reality, more practical problems, while an organization, generally for new staff are treated equally, from starting to work there will be no big difference. No matter how talented you are, at the beginning of time can only start from the most simple things, \step. So, how to efficiently get through this period of life, from as far as possible lessons, mature, and establish a good image of trusted individuals is for each newly recruited young people must face the social issues.
10, Occam's razor Law
If you think that only badly battered, busy and work can bring success, then , you are wrong. Things are moving in the direction of complexity, complexity will be wasteful, but performance is derived from simple. You may be done mostly meaningless, the real effective activities are just a small part, but they are often hidden in the complicated things. Find a critical part of removing redundant activities, success is not that complicated. Occam's Razor: If there is no hair to be, do not by entity. 12th century, the United Kingdom William of Ockham on the endless of \No matter the universality of the essentials are useless burden, should be ruthlessly \He maintained that \\This is the razor had so many people feel threatened, is considered heresy, William himself hurt. However, this does not harm the knife's sharp contrast, after hundreds of years more and more rapidly, and already beyond the original narrow field and a broad, rich, deep meaning. Occam's razor law in business management can be further deepened as the law of simple and complex: simple things become complicated, simple things become very complicated. The law of demand, we deal with matters, to grasp the main essence of things, grasp the mainstream to address the fundamental problem. Especially with the natural, not artificially complicate things, in order to pull things together.
11, 28 rule
your work done in 80% of the results, from 20% of your pay ; while 80% pay only 20% return for the results of
12, a question of money
When someone tells you: \
according to the general view, money is the measure of value, medium of exchange, store of wealth. But this argument ignores the other side of it,ugg adirondack boots, it is fascinating, it is crazy, exciting side, but also the psychological aside the love of money aside. Marx said the money was \
on the nature of money, role and merits and demerits, since ancient times, people have left many brilliant and profound sayings and witty. We often see people excited for the money, making money, with the wealth of provocative images of themselves. Money on the world order and the lives we impact is huge, broad, and sometimes this effect is a potential, and we are not aware of its role in Wang Wang Ru Ci huge, but wonderful in that: it Wanquan of human self-created . Wealth is not the driving force of the needs of biological origin, animal life, the same phenomenon also could not find any. It can not comply with the basic objective, can not meet the basic needs - - indeed, \However, this seems aimless driving force is the most powerful force of human, human to hurt each other for money, far more than other reasons.

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