Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Threats and Responses - Series - The New York Times kids uggs

9/11 Suspect Was Detained and Taped in Morocco

Ramzi bin al-Shibh was secretly detained after C.I.A. operatives brought him there in 2002, officials said.

August 17, 2010Defense Disputes Claim of Confession by Detainee

A lawyer for the detainee, Omar Khadr, who was 15 when captured, said he had been frightened into giving a false confession by interrogators.

August 12,kids uggs, 2010
In Guantánamo Tours, Many Questions, Few Answers

The military aims to counter “misrepresentations” about treatment of detainees, but much remains off limits.

August 11, 2010Texting With Terrorists

The United Arab Emirates’ ban on BlackBerries is a prudent security measure.

August 10, 2010
‘Foreigner Carrying in the Crook of His Arm a Tiny Bomb’

Amitava Kumar’s book is a perceptive and soulful — if at times academic — meditation on the global war on terror and its cultural and human repercussions.

August 6, 2010
Anthony Weiner: Why I Was Angry

Republican obstruction of a 9/11 bill was an occasion for anger, and Democrats should show more of it.

August 4,uggs for kids, 2010
In Restive Chinese Area, Cameras Keep Watch

Video surveillance is growing explosively in northwestern China, where ethnic Han and Uighur groups took part in the ethnic rioting last year.

August 3, 2010Breaking a Promise on Surveillance

The Obama administration’s request to ease the F.B.I.’s access to citizens’ electronic records is a step backward, from a president who promised something very different.

July 30, 2010Fear of Freedom After Guantánamo

The Obama administration should not deliver Guantánamo prisoners to governments that have a record of torture and lawlessness,ugg outlet store, like Algeria.

July 25, 2010Justices Clear Way for Algerian Detainees’ Return

Two Guantánamo Bay detainees may be repatriated even though they fear they will be tortured at home.

July 18, 2010
U.S. Backs Trial for Four Detainees in Afghanistan

The U.S. military is trying to transfer authority for the prosecution of Afghan detainees to Afghans, but Americans still play a substantial role.

July 18, 2010Reversal Upholds Guantanamo Prisoner’s Detention

A federal appeals court upheld the detention of a Guantánamo prisoner suspected to be a member of Al Qaeda, reversing a previous decision.

July 14, 2010
Judge Refuses to Dismiss Terror Suspect’s Case

Despite years in captivity, a suspect formerly held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was not deprived of his right to a speedy trial, a federal judge ruled.

July 14, 2010Trial for Self-Described 9/11 Mastermind Still on Hold

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said the administration still had issues to resolve before Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others at Guantánamo could be tried.

July 12, 2010Pentagon Ends Guantánamo Reporters’ Ban

Carol Rosenberg of The Miami Herald and Michelle Shephard of The Toronto Star will be allowed back onto the naval base after being banned in May.

July 10, 2010Guantánamo Detainee Pleads Guilty in Terror Case

Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qosi, a Sudanese man captured in Afghanistan, acknowledged following Osama bin Laden and working at Qaeda compounds.

July 8, 2010
Cameron Pledges Inquiry Into Torture of Detainees

Prime Minister David Cameron said a panel would look into charges that security agencies colluded in the rendition and torture of terrorism suspects after 9/11.

July 7,uggs outlet, 2010 The Detainees

By reviewing government documents, court records and media reports,ugg bailey button boots, The Times was able to compile an approximate list of detainees currently at Guantánamo.


August 17, 2010

The Sims Medieval Trailer Downplays The Dollhouse TortureGateway Pundit

August 17, 2010

Prominent Muslim Paper: Obama Wrong on Ground Zero Mosque??? And Gitmo, TooUniversal Hub

August 17, 2010

If you see something next week,cheap kids ugg, think twice before you say somethingMichael Moore - This Just In

August 17, 2010

Protest draws dozens at UC Berkeley for John Yoo's first day of classesMetaFilter

August 17, 2010

"What's wrong with that? I don't understand."Headlines Around the WebWhat's This?

More at Blogrunner ?

A Redacted View of Guantánamo Bay

Before they are allowed to take pictures inside the detention camps at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba,chi hair straighteners, photographers must consent to have all their photos reviewed by military public affairs officials.

The Killings at Les Cayes Prison

When the Haitian police stormed a prison after rioting in January, they fatally shot at least 12 detainees and wounded 40 others, a New York Times investigation found.

Liz Cheney Critiques Justice Department

A conservative advocacy organization in Washington, Keep America Safe, kicked up a storm last week when it released a video that questioned the loyalty of some Justice Department lawyers.


More Multimedia ?

Complete coverage of the tangled legal questions surrounding those held in the struggle against terrorism.

Other Resources

Documents 9/11 Panel’s Final Report
The commission investigating the attacks warned that similar, even deadlier attacks are likely. Report on Weapons of Mass Destruction
The report from the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction Bush Administration’s First Memo on Al Qaeda Declassified
Document on pre-Sept. 11 Terrorism Policy. Memos on Torture
Documents related to the development of U.S. policy on detainees. National Security Agency Documents
Documents regarding domestic spying, including the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) The “Taguba Report”
The investigation into the treatment of Abu Ghraib prisoners in Iraq. \n ' + ads[i].line1 + '
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