Monday, August 2, 2010

Woman killed her husband to escape the death penalty after the flight of suspected inte uggs for sa

text / reporter Justification

intern Mak Ka-Hay

because of suspected her husband was having an affair, their wives after the flight, 4 months after the surrender, but during questioning Police found the suspects to surrender was already pregnant. It is learned that the woman is pregnant time after their escape Butcher's Wife, and the woman admitted the lure of a boy in the hotel accommodation.

the woman is a normal pregnancy,uggs for sale, or loopholes to avoid the death penalty for the malicious pregnancy, the reporter had interviewed for.

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a \so popular. Press survey found that the case incident in 2005, Lee was dead of a construction company in Fuxin, a project manager, his wife Zhang has long been suspected to be an affair.

a night,mbt shoes sale, 7 pm, Lee and co-operation with the leadership are the package Fuxin room of a restaurant meal, suddenly, Lee's wife appears in the private dining room door, still holding the hands of a glass bottles containing liquid.

Zhang entered the room, went directly to Lee Chong, the liquid will be poured into glass bottles within the Lee face, Lee immediately went to the bathroom to wash with water the face,cheap uggs boots, this time with a self-Zhang with a sharp knife straight back to stab her husband of 6 knives, then, after Lee died.

learned that Zhang marriage with the deceased for many years and has one son, but Lee has been suspected of having an affair. After killing her husband,ugg australia sale, Zhang fled to the field, to working for a living,uggs for kids, in a small hotel as waiter. Working period, as missing the family, to call home, his family persuaded to return after the surrender.

flight four months later, Zhang, accompanied by his family surrendered to the Public Security Bureau, but during interrogation, Zhang once vomiting,chi hair irons, lethargy and other symptoms of pregnancy, undergo a medical examination after the police informed of their pregnant.

been speculated that Zhang should be in their pregnancy time after killing her husband, and she also admitted that he had lured a young stay at the hotel. When the police heard the news but did not admit that he is pregnant in order to avoid the death penalty and malicious.

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post, triggered a series of in-line hot. Some Internet users believe that the woman is clearly the law, and that it was skirted the law. Even friends that should be allowed to have the child re-trial.

malicious pregnancy if true, would affect the court's decision on Zhang? If Zhang during pregnancy in prison abortion, then, is no longer applicable to pregnant women does not apply the death penalty?

Kyoto Lawyer Zhang Yanfeng interviewed yesterday said that criminal law provisions of Article, when a crime under 18 years of age and pregnant women the time of trial, does not apply the death penalty. According to regulations, the decision from the detention to the period of pregnancy, including abortion, the death penalty can not. He said that regardless of whether the bad faith of the woman pregnant, the law only provides for the death penalty does not apply to pregnant women, but it did not provide a way of pregnancy, therefore, be it through a normal pregnancy or pregnancy by other means, will not application of the death penalty. In addition, although no specific legal provisions for pregnant women must be implemented outside prison, but in actual judicial practice, for humanitarian reasons, usually to pregnant women outside prison.

However, as a precaution, police said, the time of their need for further confirmation of pregnancy. Fuxin, Liaoning Province's Public Security Bureau yesterday to contact the detachment of Interpol, the team official said,ugg bailey button, relevant, need to ask the relevant departments in Fuxin City Public Security Bureau.

reporter asked relevant departments to the Public Security Bureau in Fuxin city, the department staff that does not know the case, saying any information to disclose.


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