Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wang, general manager of China Yi Rensi marketing strategy changes have been cheap uggs

Acer (macro?) Global vice president, general manager of China operations headquarters, vice president of Wang Gaofei

Yi Rensi Sina Sina, Calif. May 12 pm news, Acer (macro?) Vice President, Operations in China Headquarters Sina science and technology, general manager of Ai Rensi guests with a guest chat rooms, and vice president Wang Gaofei with Sina, on the macro? of China marketing strategy and development plans to start sharing. Yi Rensi said macro? Marketing strategy in China has undergone tremendous change, hope the video: Airen Si Wang Gaofei talk about macro? China Marketing Media Source: Sina technology to establish a \

following Airen Si wonderful view Abstract:

- our marketing strategy has been a huge change in the past few years, we're more attention to products to the Chinese market, then we recognize that we were going to end-users in China have more communication and exchange, and better information to them to promote our these products, increase our brand awareness, particularly We can create a high quality top brand and product image.

- I think that as a hardware or a PC manufacturer, we want to use the strategy is not to say too much about technology or the product itself, if you can put your eyes more on the customer the body needs, naturally a matter of course you can succeed.

- may now face the problem is that we store the coverage is not particularly broad, so we need more stores across the country, more points of sale, while some stores need a better price monitoring and supervision.

- our core values is that we want to produce excellent quality products,cheap uggs, very fast time to market and capacity, while pursuing innovation.

Following Wang Gaofei wonderful view Abstract:

- hand-held terminal, the user selects your equipment, with more to see you inside what kind of services that integrates what service, what you have inside information, which has what kind of chat facilities, what kind of community which is not the will to do something with the integration of Internet services. Sina is in fact the future is such a vendor Acer to do with traditional marketing co-operation above, we may be in the business, there are deeper levels of cooperation opportunities for cooperation.

- Acer before I understand the strategy may be more on overseas, I also hope that Acer is not alone in China in the PC notebook market, including handheld devices, to open in China a better situation.

The following is the full interview:

Joe laying Moderator: Welcome to today's Sina guests chat room, I host Joe laying. Today we invited the two studio guests, first of all I tell you what,ugg boots store, sitting next to me this is the Acer (macro?), Vice president of global business headquarters in China, Mr. Yi Rensi,ugg knightsbridge, general manager, you are welcome to come.

Airen Si: Hello everybody, I am very pleased to be here, I thank you.

Joe laying Moderator: This is the next vice president of Mr. Wang Gaofei Sina, welcomed the arrival of Mr. Wang.

Wang Gaofei: User Hello, everybody.

China marketing strategy changes

Joe laying Moderator: Thanks to our two guests today's chat rooms. In fact, we share with you today is the Acer development. We note that Acer has actually changed the original low-key style, the Spring Festival this year began a large-scale advertising, is not a description macro?'s Marketing strategy also had some changes? I would like to ask this question, Mr. Yi Rensi.

Airen Si: Indeed, we have a great marketing strategy, changes in the last few years, more emphasis was placed upon our products to the Chinese market, then we recognize We'll talk to end users in China have more communication and exchange, and better information to them to promote our these products, increase our brand awareness,ugg bailey button boots, particularly in shaping a top that we can provide high-quality brands and products image.

host Joe laying: for now, Oliver, Acer How do you want to change?

Airen Si: indeed, starting this year, we significantly increased the number of marketing activities in this area, to promote the brand Acer in this regard some of the key information. Just now you mentioned on TV that a lot of TV ads we have running. We also have a lot of print media ads, there are online collaboration, including Sina and our strategic partners have a lot of public relations and online activities.

both the subway station and other places also have some large billboards, in our point of sale, in stores this one, we have further changed the Acer, the renovation, but also strengthened its sales staff training. Therefore, we adopt an integrated, comprehensive strategy, advocacy from all angles.

host Joe laying: After listening to Oliver's description, may we also understand that more or from a more comprehensive perspective, including television, print media all the various forms of advertising to be promotional. Now look at your ad now for the first quarter results satisfactory? Comprehensive look at what is now the advantages and deficiencies which need improvement?

Airen Si: For the first quarter of the marketing I was very satisfied, because the publicity through the quarter, we have very good communication out of \theme, while the information is also conveyed to the minds of many customers, but also a high awareness, also had a great impact.

I think that improvements could be made is between the different forms of media coordination and cooperation, including television, print, store, and online media forms of coordination and cooperation between, this one also further improvement.

host Joe laying: This is more than a quarter of the situation, we obviously can see in the second quarter, Acer was also selected for the new king of the total endorsement appearance in 2010 the image of the hero Chanpin AS4820TG spokesperson Why choose us rather strange Wang a trade, will not choose a higher photographed celebrities?

Airen Si: For this product, AS4820TG this product mainly for high-end professionals, such as Wang's high-end professionals. In fact, when the user may select the product they want to choose your computer's performance to be high, and mobility also hope that a high. When choosing a computer before, you may choose the high performance of products, mobile Xing aspects of your sacrifice may Jiu do Yi Xie, Hai You can not very well at the same time the mobility, including the battery's life capacity and weight of this piece of Zhi Neng make some concessions. But AS4820TG product is the perfect combination of the two is the most suitable such as Wang's use of high-end professionals.

Joe laying Moderator: We have heard in this regard the activities of Acer introduced to this brand, the spokesman of choice, because the king is always a class of high-end users, so the king is the relatively high overall endorsement end of the brand, you are not the actress Wang, endorsement is not your profession,chi hair straighteners, why choose it endorse Acer?

Wang Gaofei: Actually, the question you just asked is what I have to ask Oliver, Why did you choose I endorse this product? In fact, he just has a good answer. Why do I endorse this product? First, because the company itself had to admit that now have very good cooperation between Acer, I think OK, this demand made by the customer, we must do our best to satisfy customers, customers need to do our endorsements for the Acer I will do the job. Also because of a fate, I am into Sina's first laptop is Acer, and it was a decade ago. I still remember this computer, just as Oliver said, Acer computer may not look the most flashy, nor the most frivolous, and may not be mobile computing power, or the best, but it must be able to to bring together all the sophisticated things, the inside can do first is the most stable. Second, the mobility and computing power is relatively the best deal on a computer. I am very impressed that my first computer to accompany me the first three years in Sina, an engineer in the three years from me in the middle very little to go wrong, really very few problems, it really is a fate, so we can come together again.

host Joe laying: from the beginning is now extended to the fate. Wang You should be IT people, we know that IT people in various brands of computers should be very understanding, you look at such terms have a brand endorsement, and then look back on this brand have their own new know?

Wang Gaofei: From a user point of view, I feel that this is what I have just talked with Oliver, probably around 2000, when Acer is in fact quite high domestic popularity, and later We can also see that Acer has made its own strategy of globalization in Europe and the United States to expand through acquisitions, including other rapidly become the first major international brand. The domestic market, relatively speaking, as I understand, Acer may be concerned, may rely on it after a strategic location, first expand their market coverage to live, but for this product, I had the honor in Shanghai, this trial products, as I understand so many years, I think the quality of Acer computer is not changed. It actually is, as always, do as advertising words to say I believe in elections, we should really rely on each user of a computer. No change for so many years, the only hope is that Acer will continue to be such a good future computers, it can be in mainland China, whether through advertising or marketing strategies, to promote as much as possible to the user, so that more users to know Acer computer features, to use the Acer computer.

performance, portability and endurance capacity of co-ordination

Joe laying Moderator: Acer may be relatively more before taking the strategy of globalization, but now the main attack is that the Chinese market, we can clearly feel the first quarter of the second quarter advertising, including marketing strategy has been clearly felt Acer has focused on the Chinese mainland. Wang, your endorsement of this focus is AS4820TG this product, how do you see this product?

Wang Gaofei: Actually, before I have used this product notebook find many, like Oliver said, it is difficult to make a product to its mobility and its portability, performance, including capacity of its battery life together. We often play games with the computer such as a high performance computer, may have very limited battery life may no electricity for three hours, the performance of the machine may be higher, but also Shen and heavy, probably more than 2 kg or 3 kg. But this computer, first, we see its smaller size, lighter weight, portability and performance at the same time, of course, I am not an expert on this, the following may need to ask Oliver how to do, in the endurance capacity to do to 7 hours of case, the performance of dual-core CPU can do high-speed processing, including graphics, computational results are very good. After all, this Acer which has done this so many years, I believe they have their own unique skills to achieve some of these functions. The laptop does the portability, processing power and endurance capacity to the soft real good together, really doing is very good with a computer.

host Joe laying: Business is very convenient part of a computer.

Wang Gaofei: very complex.

Joe laying Moderator: We sometimes have a high capacity of this computer's life,kids ugg boots, life is capable, I would like to ask the same question Oliver, as Wang has also asked the question, how this three integrated together?

Airen Si: Actually this is the crystallization of 9 months project. The earliest we launched this product is 4810T,ugg australia sale, was also a powerful CPU, including its battery life is to achieve 8 hours. But the computing power that we want to how can a piece of computing power while high, but at the same time there very long life capacity?

when we began this research project, but also with our strategic partners, including companies such as Intel to cooperate. Also now have some new technology batteries, the battery could be more good management, to better show this display technology. The integration of all these technologies, and finally put this great product we developed, can have a strong computing power, while to have a long battery life. Of course, this process is relatively long, has done a lot of testing, optimization, just like a car, a car with a lot of the main parts, components, how the various components to the perfect coordination between, like this is very similar of.

Joe laying Moderator: Oliver heard the presentation, we also know that this product is 9 months after such a long period of research and development, the concept of \the perfect combination of appearance, \Indeed, as Mr Wang said, is indeed a combination of three technologies, but also you ultimately choose one of the main reasons for this product. We also know that now seems that the product is no problem, very good, but we would like to ask about Acer now more ways to promote the next step, because we make such a wonderful product to go into mainland China.

Yi Rensi: the future AS4820TG our marketing plan will be very important in a product, including our television, print and online, these activities will this product as a main product , because now our products have a very good spokesman for the king would always, we hope that through this exhibition to show Acer is the leading mobile PC can do the brand, you can also do a super performance PC. So, whether in television or the Internet, and advertising have in our store in other marketing, we will promote this flagship product.

Airen Si Wang Gaofei talk about macro? China Marketing Media Source: Sina Technology Play Video> Related: airborne Airen Si plot macro? Foreign monks chanting a good interview with Yi Rensi: macro? Vote this year, the number of 10 million development of 400 channels of the macro? announced that German Yi Rensi as General Manager of China

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