Thursday, August 5, 2010

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please reproduced, looked around after the province to facilitate the people, more convenience. Welcome reproduced ah!
specific composition ratio of social security:

old-age insurance: you pay a monthly flat 21%, you pay 8%;
Medical insurance: you pay a monthly flat 9%, you pay 2% plus 10 dollars of serious illness and Manpower (seriously ill hospitalized coordinating major piece of pipe);

unemployment insurance: units for you to pay 2% per month, you pay 1%;
injury insurance: you pay a monthly flat 0.5%, you do not get their own dime;
maternity insurance: you pay for the unit of 0.8% per month, you do not get their own dime;
Housing Fund: units per month as you pay 8% you pay more than 8%
, so doing we units per month to pay for your social security ratio should be 21% +9% +2% +0.5% +0.8% +8% = 41.3%
you pay each month for your social security ratio should be 8% +2% +1% +8% +10 block = 19% +10 block
; temporarily remove you pay 10 dollars aside to pay the proportion of units in the proportion of your pay should be 413:190, which means that if your monthly Social Security payment for their 190 dollars, then the unit Social Security will go to your account to break into 413 dollars every month to increase your Social Security account the money should be 413 +190 = 603 dollars
so that you can not see the cases, the unit cost of delivery of social security is 2 times more than you, so you pay a monthly fee, when the Social Security Do not feel bad ah ~ you know you pay much more than units of it, in fact distressed unit.
saying that the three risk a return to gold and a perfect insurance policy,ugg boots sale, you should have seen here, and in fact said the three lakes on the risk of a payment equivalent to five insurance full payment, but one gold and three insurance is paid from your personal insurance (pension + health + unemployment + Provident Fund) for the, five insurance payments are paid from your unit of insurance (pension + health + unemployment + injury + Growth + Fund) for of. The three risk a payment were a perfect insurance policy is only just sounds good.
addition units pay for your social security, in fact, did not work but have income or a flat, but the staff do not pay social security unit staff can also pay their own social security, but only to pay personal pension + medical insurance, unemployment, work injury ah ah ah fertility fund it, you pay no up individuals.

Here's what is social insurance contributions under the base
you already know just to pay a monthly flat rate and you pay social security is almost the 413:190 ratio, then now but another problem: his monthly pay social security charges and what relationship does this ratio, the social security costs in the end is how it determined?
you might not noticed, every year in various provinces and cities In early July release of a \is 1189 yuan, which is what this means, meaning that as long as is normal in Nanjing to pay social security for workers in the unit, pay per month for each employee the money for at least 1189 × 41.3% = 491 dollars, while workers at least a month to pay a 1189 × 19% +10 = 236 dollars and units per month so you should pay the social security charges came out.
But now a new problem came out, the wages of workers vary greatly in Nanjing Yes, some people get 1000 a month, someone could get 10,000 a month, are called to take 1000 and 10000 were submitted to take the same social security payments?
Please note that this 1189 is the lowest base, there is the highest above the base in 1189, Nanjing, the highest this year, more than 8,000 base seems to be specific and I forget, anyway, if your wages the following month in 1189 yuan, the unit must be in accordance with the 1189 yuan for you to pay 1189 × 41.3% = 491 yuan, while you have to pay every month for at least 1189 × 19% +10 = 236 dollars, this is 1189 the minimum social security contribution base as the significance of where the: even if you get 1,000 or 800 a month, your monthly minimum must be in accordance with the 1189 Jiaoqian!
But if you pay higher than in 1189, for example, you get 3000 a month, that unit to the Bureau of Labor Insurance when you pay (your unit and your social security costs are paid by the labor bureau's Oh deduction) should be on the labor bureau, said: \Ya Ya, we have comrades here to take 3000 a month, follow the dollar's standard deduction 3000 social security payments. \social security account, you should be flat this time every month you pay 3000 × 41.3% = 1239 yuan per month and you personally on the cross 3000 × 19% +10 = 580 元
that is, if you pay less in 1189 yuan,Five Fingers Shoes, then every month you pay in accordance with 1189; if you pay in 1189 yuan or more, then every month you pay according to your real wage,cheap ugg boots, unless your even higher than the maximum wage base, if you get 10,000 a month while the maximum base is 8000, you and your unit are in accordance with the 8000 cross
on here to expose the shameful practice of some companies, these may give you a good few thousand a month for wages, but they report to the Bureau of Labor when your base does not go according to your actual wages reported,ugg boots outlet, for example if you get 3000 a month, they may say to the Labour Bureau You take only 1189, then Labor Bureau deducted every month you 1189 × 19% +10 = 236 yuan, you are probably also happy, because you think you are the less money withheld, you actually get more money in the wrong hands! If this is your company too outrageous! because the company money to pay 2 times more than you, so you pay the less they are paid less! If real wages in accordance with your 3000 to count them every month of the paid your 3000 × 41.3% = 1239 yuan social security charges, and in accordance with the 1189 to count, they pay every month just for you 1189 × 41.3% = 491 yuan! So in fact you suffered a major loss! formal company only real wages will follow you to the labor office to declare and then deducting money! only those companies will be whether to make an how high you are in accordance with the minimum standards for wages you pay!! Do not think that your Social Security payments each month, less the deduction of the better!! Perhaps you have been bullied by the company shamelessly and you also know nothing!!! To determine the units of the base pay for you in the end how much is simple: if you deduct 300 per month social security, then you base is about 300 ÷ 19% ≈ 1578 dollars, you look at your wage is not the number, if you pay significantly higher than in 1578, such as every month you actually get 3000 or 4000, then surely you have been bullied by the company to, After being bullied you can go to the local labor inspection unit
sue you, generally a notice of a potential, but the best time to leave evidence (such as pay slips, etc.) then told to find a good, or you notice the later the companies generally having failed to make the - - + again note that the proportions of various parts of the different social security, if you do not pay your proportion of Nanjing that is probably not 19%, but certainly not too unfamiliar, such as Your base may be 20% or 22%, but will not be 30% or 40%! So, although the proportion of 19% is in Nanjing, but foreign students can probably figure out by the base of their own.

introduce them to social security payments below what the specific situation and how to use
has been said before, social security = old-age insurance + medical insurance + work injury insurance, maternity insurance + unemployment + insurance + housing fund < br> 1. Well, first to give old-age insurance are generally required to pay the insurance
over 15 years to retire to a pension for life, so be sure the students want to take the pension at Prior to his retirement 15 years ago began cross, this is also the case in Nanjing for almost required if you are to retirement pay under 15 years of pension insurance, which until the time you retire the national will keep your personal account for 8% of All returned to you
pension that you will ask the unit to pay 21% of you go? this country will not expect you to you, you retire to take your own money go after the state put unit 21% of your pay all the money to the state pension plan in the overall fund, from which there is no relationship between money and you never had, you might say: I rely on! it is my money Why do not you give me
because the state is as specified when
refund only returned to the individual pay his own personal money withheld, in units of money he paid for the state to do all contributed - -
below when we look at your retirement pension is to figure out how the
pension algorithm is very complicated, because the state every year to pay a high base, for example Well: If you are 30 years of age, your current base pay is 3,000 yuan, while the retirement age is 55 years old, if so, then you must be 40 years before you begin to pay old-age insurance , while if you start from the age of 30 pay, 55-year-old was handed 25 years, then surely you can enjoy the pension first, and second, if you pay after 25 years of 3000 the payment base has become 6000 (I said if), you first of every month at the age of 55 can get 6000 × 20% = 1200 block of the basic pension, which is to your country, in addition to your personal account money In 25 years, has accumulated a lot better to look at the average base pay, (3000 +6000) ÷ 2 = 4500, then you this personal account of 25 years, there should be 4500 × 8% (you pay the pension insurance Personal proportion) × 25 years × 12 months = 108 000 dollars, then in addition to other prior to 1200 a month you can get 108000 ÷ 120 = 900 blocks, the age of 55, so you can get at least a month 1200 +900 = 2,100 pension, of course, to each country's base is still up, so each year in addition to your own 900, you get every month after retirement more money than 1200, then your pension Of course, more and more money will pay
So pay the better old-age insurance, you pay the more you enjoy after retirement the more numerous and the state to adjust the base year After you get more and more money will now take 1,500 years after the 1000 exchange is possible here to introduce a policy of metamorphosis, that is, no matter where you pay social security fees, etc. When you retire you only back seat of your account can enjoy the local retirement benefits, so look at where the base pay high social security but a place to retire to a low base who enjoy the pension deficit it big, why is this so? me give example, if you are young in Nanjing work, pay social security for 20 years and then retired, but if your account in Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang then you must return to a pension. If you pay in Nanjing for 20 years, the average base is 3000 (I said if), and when the time you retire before the base toll Heilongjiang 1000 (I said if), then you can enjoy retirement when the treatment of 1000! This is a loss of! sentence If you place in the rich pay Social Security when they retire back to the poor, but where to enjoy social security, you pay a lot, but to enjoy life's little! Exchange 3000 may only enjoy the 1000! This is terrible, but no way , the state that policy, so please all of the current account such as a low base in the western areas, but in Beijing or Shanghai to work in places such as base pay high attention to the social security of the students, you either pay social security in the western, or just prior to retirement account moved to Beijing or Shanghai, or else you are doing a huge loss of life that the sale of
Perhaps you will say, if my account in Nanjing, then I pay in 20 years not to Heilongjiang Well, Well, where in the low base Delivery, retired back to base when a high place to enjoy high welfare. wrong! you think Nanjing casual labor bureau will let you enjoy Why?! normal circumstances would Nanjing find a reason to refuse you directly into! to the time you miss s wisdom: not to enjoy in Heilongjiang, in Nanjing also enjoy that! but some places to ease this situation has some provisions, such as Nanjing, allowing you to 5 years before retirement place back from a low base in Nanjing, then 5 years in Nanjing and continue to pay the high base in Nanjing, then it only allows you to enjoy the pension back to Nanjing. This policy is different in various parts of estimated future students who intend to transfer better go now your local labor bureau to find out the problem, so your retirement unexpected accident happened!
2. The following talk about the risk of medical insurance, national policy
fairly good, it is important that hospital reimbursement for many of the unit before you pay per month for medical insurance is 9%, your personal medical insurance paid each month is about 2% plus 10 dollars of illness co-ordination, the seriously ill Whether you simply co-ordinating other hospital, and that 11% in the national health insurance each month to your account to play your own 2%, according to 1189 yuan per month if your minimum base pay social security, then the 1189 × 2 % = 23.78 yuan per month is the national call your own money, the money you can accumulate credit card directly to buy medicine or see out the remaining 9% of the country count on the Naqu to the medical co-ordinate fund in the
In accordance with the provisions of Nanking, if you start from January 2007 to pay medical insurance, then starting from the February 2007 credit card to buy medicine or you can look out, from July 2007 onwards you are in hospital costs can be reimbursed, and reported quite complex, for example Well:
If you August 1, 2007 in the hospital, lived in the best three hospitals in Nanjing, Medicare hospital are used within the scope of medicine, surgery + hospitalization expenses spent a total of 5,000 yuan, so reimbursement when the first net of 1000 Health Insurance Center, which is starting price, and the rest of the 4000 Medicare reimbursement for 4000 × Center 86% = 3,440 yuan, as long as you personally pay for 4000 × 14% = 560 yuan a, with prices starting at 1,000 yuan before, you spent 5000 as long as their pay 1560 yuan on it, and it can also be 1560 yuan Cary health insurance deducted from your (if you usually do not use that card), so in fact you can not spend much money hospital medical insurance for our young people far more important than the old-age insurance, hospital doctor, after all, is too damn expensive , and this is also participating in social insurance where the most important of the medical insurance requirement, but must be submitted in Nanjing 25 years to enjoy life after retirement, so if you retire at age 55, was the latest since the age of 30 must begin to pay health insurance the
3. The following industrial injury insurance
talk about this risk in practice tends to be used less, I do not have much contact with the need to remind everyone that if you work or commute time What happened when, the lingua franca of the
on the risk, but in practice many people into trouble not pay attention to the preservation of evidence, leading to not enjoy their work injury insurance, which is a great pity if When your work has been hit by a car, you should start the alarm, so police to investigate the record and photograph collection of evidence, the police processed after the accident will give you what identification to open a book or something, you can take this to the unit requested work-related injuries reported that if something happens to random people you run and not look for what the witness does not alarm, no evidence that would normally not be accepted as work-related injuries in
; injuries have a prescription, if you were in 2007 July 1st sunrise of the injury, you must immediately reporting units, the police issued identification evidence and the accident book and you go out after his injury to the doctor or hospital medical records unit , called the unit holding the material to do work-related injuries identified, your unit must be August 1, 2007 effective material prior to your testing center sent to work-related injuries, if you are out of work-related injuries from the days of more than a month, that injury may the identification is not up. If you do not give you identification of units that can hold your own material to the identification center identification, better not more than one month, otherwise a lot of trouble a lot of trouble
4. The following talk about birth Insurance
This is also a good example, if you are a girl, a monthly wage of 1,000 yuan, January 1, 2007 starting pay maternity insurance, payment for the 1189 base, and you pregnant in March 2007, by the end of December 2007 gave birth to a child, in January 2008 and discharged, then you have to rush to hospital after the marriage certificate (an unmarried mother, claims it can not) + the one-child certificate (generally not the reimbursement of child health 2 ) + + build size card check medical records and hospital and surgical expenses of all invoices + list + hospital discharge summary of all material submitted to these companies, check if you are pregnant when it took 500, the time children spent the 2000 hospital + operation block, in general, within the provisions in health insurance is basically to give you all the claims, after reimbursement of the money to you include: 500 block of residential inspection fees surgery +1189 +2000 Yuan / month × 4 months = 7256 , 1189 yuan / month × 4 months, which is specifically for the reimbursement of medical insurance center subsidies girls, only girls get the reimbursement to state regulations to
maternity insurance reimbursement when girls must be given 4 The average monthly wage, so if you have children not only do not pay claims, but also can make 4 months of wages! If you base pay higher than wages, such pay is to take 1 000 1189, you also earn it < br> maternity insurance to pay at least a year to enjoy, remember to make sure
There is also a problem, men also pay maternity insurance ah ~ Can a maternity insurance, so do boys ?
If you're a boy, your wife did not work or work units pay the insurance, and her children when you pay maternity insurance have also been more than a year, then you can Oh maternity insurance reimbursement, but to pre- case, for example, you can only check fee reimbursement 500 block of hospital surgery +2000 half = 1,250 yuan, 1,189 yuan subsidy / month × 4 months wages you can not enjoy it! It is only when the reimbursement girls only Oh ~ you can enjoy the same cost, reimbursement will be able to get 7,256 girls, boys can only get reimbursement for 1250, probably this is rare in China, \what the best plan before, began to find a unit to one year ahead of maternity insurance, can make it! If you marry a wife and boys, the best time to marry a baby for a year already paid maternity insurance and pay the base also better than her girls in their high wages Oh! but if she had not had insurance, it does not matter, you can do to her maternity insurance reimbursement, but you do not pay subsidies to take 4 months, and the cost of the newspaper you can only take back half.

unemployment insurance, unemployment insurance, this is to pay a full year you can enjoy, generally pay 1 year get 2 months pay 2 years get 4 months But take a lifetime maximum of 24 months. example Well:
If you January 1, 2007 starting pay insurance, in January 2008 the company you are dismissed, you can allow the company to You get 2 months of unemployment insurance, if you are in the year 1189 base pay for insurance, then you can get at least 2 months more than 800 dollars or you
2007 beginning January 1 pay insurance, in January 2008 and the company you contract expires, and you do not want to renew the contract, then you can also allow the company to leave the company before you go and get 2 months of unemployment insurance is more than 800 block means that the contract expires or the company laid off, you can take 2 months for one year according to the ratio of unemployment to require companies to give you to do, if the company does not give you do you can sue it, a notice of a potential.
But the contract did not expire if you are going to resign himself, that even if you pay full 1 year are not entitled to unemployment insurance
resign as long as their own, let alone pay a years that pay unemployment insurance for 10 years to resign when you can not get a penny.

6. housing fund is a good thing ah
Well, if you pay 200 a month for the fund, then the company has to your account each month to hit 200, you When buying a house that is 400, if you pay a 50,000 whole life, you account is 100,000, and such a good thing we must not refuse to ah.
fund can be used to buy a house, the loan, any decoration,uggs sale, if you can find a home site to build a house, build a house that money can be paid from the fund in
; if you do not have the money, and finally retired when all the money seems to be able to come out

the supplement

and Nanjing is that different parts of it, demons are not allowed to non-payment of medical insurance, that includes old-age social security center that a birth injury with medical unemployment asked enterprises received, it touches fund can be paid from time to pay, because this is the area under the jurisdiction of the Centre
fund specific composition ratio of social security:
old-age insurance: you pay a monthly flat 22%,uggs on sale, you pay 8%;
Medical Insurance: Company paid 12% for you each month, you pay 2%;
unemployment insurance: you pay a monthly flat 2%, you pay 1%;
injury insurance: each unit 0.5% for the month you pay, you do not get their own dime;
maternity insurance: you pay for the unit of 0.5% per month, you do not get their own dime;
housing fund: each unit 7% for the month you pay, you pay 7%
added housing fund: units for you to pay 8% per month, you pay 8% (this is only a general benefit will be some good state-owned enterprises, and the proportion of it's own, generally pay a fund even if the company is the moral of the)
other point is that social security and the relationship between a transfer tax, to pay a transfer tax at the time, is the individual Button gold count after deducting that part of the taxable base, but it must be noted, provident funds and supplementary fund more than 12% of the parts (individuals and businesses to pay part) also need to count in the taxable base in
fund the above example, say 7%, 8% supplementary fund, add up to 15%, then the personal deduction of 3% of the part of the gold that would count in the amount of tax payable in the same time, enterprises that 3%, although is not deducted from individual wages, but still to be counted in the taxable base, that is, individuals for the cost of a transfer tax money pays the bill.
medical insurance to use this one, around the way for personal accounts is different
love that kind of monthly classified Nanjing way, there are other places assigned to
Specifically, the annual that is the case, Medicare is the year 1 April each year to 31 March the following year, while the social security contribution base changes are also determined in mid-April on.
Yi Baoju will be April 1 in accordance with the base of each of the social security withholding 1 year of personal medical insurance (that is, the 2%) into the individual health insurance card account, but when there are problems, and April 1 when the base year of social security has not been established, Yi Baoju only in accordance with the previous year's base to forecast that the individual health insurance payments, then the difference between how to do? It is the second year of April 1 to make up a small operator, or less give the
may seem such a big word paragraph will be very much trouble, then we, for example
average person in 2004 years income of 5,000 yuan, 4,000 yuan in 2005 the monthly average income,ugg boots sale, income of 6,000 yuan in 2006
Yi Baoju in April 1, 2006 to the amount of time into individual accounts, social security center has not yet approved the contribution base for 2006 ( that is, the average monthly income of 2005),australia ugg boots sale, so Yi Baoju or payment in accordance with the 2005 base (that is, the average monthly income of 2004) to calculate the annual amount of personal accounts, that is, 5000 * 2% * 12 = 1200 ,
but in fact this person this year, the amount of personal accounts should be 4000 * 2% * 12 = 960,
then this will give the 240 yuan in April 1, 2007 when the deduction. Also April 1, 2007 into account the new year gold is still 960 individuals (in fact should be 6000 * 2% * 12 = 1440 yuan), less for the 480 yuan, will be April 1, 2008 meeting back.
so because most people are not the same base pay each year, so almost everyone's account every year in March and April when the total number of years to see the amount of the account is different, that is, doing the annual Yi Baoju accounting costs arising.
injuries have a prescription, if you were in 2007 July 1st sunrise of the injury, you must immediately reporting units, the police issued identification evidence and the accident book and you are out of work-related injuries in hospital later to see the doctor or medical pay to the unit, called the unit holding the material to do work-related injuries identified, your unit must be August 1, 2007 effective material prior to your testing center sent to work-related injuries, if you are out of work-related injuries from the days of more than a month, then Identification of work-related injuries may not again. If you do not give you identification of units that can hold your own material to the identification center identification, better not more than one month, otherwise a lot of trouble a lot of trouble
this point there added that there are two ways to report injuries, one unit of reporting, on and above the love that's as valid for 30 days, there is also a personal declaration, valid for one year, but because of injury or other reasons, delay in the handling of evidence Jiuyue lack of personal report, what process will be delayed because they do not know how much time and effort.
maternity insurance, abortion, childbirth, and multiple births, premature birth, and can specifically look at the following link, though Shanghai's policy, but over all similarity. Shanghai and Nanjing
may have different policies, the company will not control this reimbursement, and pregnant women by health insurance directly linked
production in reproductive examination during hospitalization, medical insurance co-ordination are all within the scope of Medicare co-ordination pay, of course, the items at their own expense (such as senior ward, at their own expense drugs etc) or to themselves.
health good boy, after his application for maternity benefits to Yibao Ju, Yi Baoju to 3000 dollars Social Security piece, to give 3 months of base pay plus half of income
child birth, multiple births the addition of one additional two weeks if the previous years
average wage income is greater than the maximum social security contribution base, then the social security contribution base pay only part, and the rest paid by the company
example someone on an average monthly wage income of 10,000, the Social Security cap for the 7392 base.
then to monthly Social Security income for 7392, the remaining 10000-7392 = 2608 is paid by the unit.
(although I think this situation, you Tell me what in the cloud is not easy to come across =。=。。)< br> In fact, there are two key areas:
1, full payment before birth 1 year
2, the social security contribution base of the normal reporting
So students, especially female students, do not you think the company does not matter to declare the base level, and even some of their low base wages for the high hand lucky to see the problem when it came it!
This is why did so many women workers would rather stay in low wages, but Social Security to declare the place in full the reasons for giving birth and then switch to the one small place is not like the case of unmarried women employees are not second to maternity insurance, is also a great amount of additional income.
example, one 3000 regular wages, but the declaration of the social security base count her year-end bonus awards, etc. Other income, then the monthly average may reach 5000, this time to take a few months of that birth is January 5000 income.
If you do not have the money, and finally retired when all the money seems to be able to come out
not seemingly, is absolutely!
and fund loan low interest rates than commercial loans, and this is also a big advantage.


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