Sunday, August 8, 2010

Parents for the death of his son duck grain of gambling discount ugg boots

old son in pain is one of the largest life. Nail the Zouzheng nearly couples under enormous gold And then,discount ugg boots, and found his son also left more than 40 million in debt.

40 million, carry on the labors of the farmers back is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. However, life can not be without integrity, his son is gone, can not rely on debt. They bite the impressive comeback this huge debt, holding IOU a home visit, develop repayment plan to creditors.

grow food, engaging in farming ... ... 3 years,buy mbt shoes, Zou Zheng Jin has a 160,000 yuan for the son. Recently, he was elected Liangping \

\Day, Liangping County town of Qing Yuan Shun Village relay, the ground and patches of forest are sun roasted corn head hanging down.

\59-year-old Li China and the United States agreed with it, took up another pair of plastic sandals walked up in front of him.

\Zouzheng carefully to his wife Kim T-shirts and shoes, is this \

Earlier, Zou Zheng fund has not bought a dress 3 years a pair of shoes. Now, the clothes become his \

Huanhaoyifu, Zou Zheng gold from the bag and took out his handkerchief. Towel, the change of his previous day selling vegetables, the day after the city work, except at noon and from 4 yuan fare and fast food,ugg outlet store, left 21 per. Previously the money order and put into boxes, Zou Zheng gold out drawer books, in a row of figures was a \\

put down the books, Zou Zheng Jin won the teapots on the table, \.

son more than 40 million of debt

old father brought it down

rewind three years ago, the 57-year-old Zou Zheng Jin may not be so nervous. He is a village party secretary and two sons have engaged in truck transport, time is very comfortable.

did not expect a sudden misfortune struck. January 15, 2007, 30-year-old son Zou Hongbo driving big trucks loading coal plants at a time, accidentally fell from two to three meters of the cab, his head touched the ground immediately unconscious. Two days later, died in hospital.

stand And then, the Zou Zheng Jin did not expect that there is a problem waiting for him: After this funeral night son, daughter-out pile of IOUs, said her husband three years ago to buy a large Zheliang more than 30 million trucks full of money is borrowed. 3 years, as her husband repeatedly driving accident, simply did not also account, in addition to IOUs for the 24 million, also through the company of mortgage loans more than 10 million, and owed the company's road maintenance,ugg sale uk, and insurance more than 50,000 yuan, A total of 427,discount ugg boots,000 yuan of debt!


small son and burden, not help. Himself a farmer, life would still be difficult to earn 400,000 yuan, to also? Moreover, money is not their own use. Initially, Zou Zheng Kim would also like to walk away. But after news of his son's death, many lenders began to seek them out. Time, the same village a 2 million by creditors to find him, said he had ignored his wife objected to lend Zou Hongbo 20,000 yuan, that is, people always think of Zou trust and worries about this account not justify. Now, with money not being paid, his wife, arguing with him every day, the couple was referred to a divorce.

heard this, Zou Zheng gold is not too happy that day to sleep at night: the son died, he had consulted lawyers, the money is already adult, the separation of the son owed, from a legal speaking, he did not help his debt obligations. But lending money to his son's mostly folks, is not easy. More importantly, honest and trustworthy is his creed of life. Although her son was dead,kids ugg boots, but the accounts could follow the death? Zou Zheng gold dug out IOUs, to take over this huge debt.

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order to assure creditors, Zou Zheng Jin first step is holding more than 20 sheets IOU, a family home explain the situation to the creditors to ensure that the accounts must also own, and to develop repayment time under the circumstances.

see gray-haired Zouzheng gold door that repayment of active matter, the original home every day, creditors have been moved, many people say as long as the principal, interest can be forgiven.

Initially, Zou Zheng payment of the debt to sell large trucks, but the business is about auspicious, the son who fell to his death from a truck, a lot of buyers walked away ... ...

nearly sixty years, no skill, by Sha to debt? Zou Zheng Jin After much deliberation, decided to earn his line of work: rural migrant workers, many of his fields is left behind, he and his wife went to a family of people, the residents near the three groups empty land lease over the whole, A total of 60 mu. He wanted to plant rice, corn, vegetables, and duck, if successful, 60 acres of rice to sell more than 40,000 yuan, a few acres of corn can be sold at 7,000 yuan, a year thousand of ducks and earn at least 5,000 yuan,kids uggs sale, plus their wages in recent 10 000 a year, and income over 60,000 yuan.

Zouzheng scheme, if the year is also 60 thousand yuan, the fastest 7 years can also finished his 57-year-old at that time, the body is not bad, the son of his lifetime to pay off the debt is not a problem.

Having said so done really not easy. In the local countryside, a two labor, only two or three acres of land species, Zou Zheng Jin couple this 60 acres of land equivalent to 20 times the average family. Since no money for people working, the couple had worked day and night to dry.

every morning, the couple got up at 5 Shimoji, 0:00-off people are asleep, they just call it a day to go home. Have to feed the ducks that 上千只 home, often tired and fell down asleep busy working they do not have energy to cook. When the rice harvest to seize the time, late rains, mature rice can be washed clean, hard be wasted. To this end, the couple had four with the people \In this way, someone's home 35 days can be busy working the farm, the two were busy last month.

harvest rice in the previous year, coincided with heavy rain forecast for a few days later, Zou Zheng The couple had to harvest in the fields day and night, continuously busy three days, less than two hours rest each night. 4 days, the body look weak Li Huamei Gang Tian and fainted in the water. Zou Zheng gold rush her back to the clinic, lost a night solution, the next morning, Li China and the United States pulled out the needle further down on the farm, and \> yuanyi Town party secretary Yang on behalf of the trees that received last year, millet, he just acted under the village, I heard the story of gold after Zouzheng deeply touched. After the study, the town approved a special subsidy of 2,000 yuan, asked people to help the couple Zouzheng gold millet back home.

3 years, also the 160 000

then 3 years to pay off the account

So far, there are stupid people say Zouzheng gold, because his son owed 40 million of debt, in addition to more than 20 million private, there are more than 10 million \But Zou Zheng Jin said that this account, as I confessed.

2007 年 6 months, he took all the savings more than 20,000 yuan, the son of his lifetime to the main city truck affiliated company \A All told, he was shocked, just owe road maintenance fees, insurance and late fees as high as 57,000 yuan, also not on the monthly mortgage payments for 10,000 yuan. Zou Zheng Jin to himself more than 20,000 yuan, after all paid the insurance premiums were also outstanding finished. Due to visit the company toll from him a 200 yuan, Zou Zheng Jin After much deliberation, again to the other creditors Meng Anxiu help.

meat sold in yuanyi town of Meng Anxiu previous loan of 20,000 yuan Zou not end, but after listening to Zouzheng payment request, he said nothing, immediately to the others by 3 million to He played in the past. \

pay it company arrears, Zou Zheng Jin penniless. At that time, the station has not returned Liangping Caiyuanba car. No money to live in hostels, he had to bet ID card, household plead to a small landlord. The boss was deeply moved after hearing his story, free of charge in the stairwell to his arranged to have a residence, it also provides a dinner ... ...

the next question is mortgage payments. Paragraph if the mortgage owed to banks on time also, there is high interest generated, as also the month for 10,000 yuan per month, Zou Zheng Jin had to borrow money around again. Although some creditors are anxious to use such money, but that Zouzheng payments situation, they comfort him \Once the gold was originally to Zou Zheng Liu Kun reminder creditors accounts, one to his house to see him not on for that month, anxious teeth are swollen. Liu Kun debt payment, then swallowed back home have kept their deposits to lend him 10,000 yuan. Year and a half down, the mortgage paid off, private loans have increased by more than 10 million.

Now, three years have passed, Zou Zheng Jin has also lost 160,000 yuan, he plans to further expand the growing size of the \He said he hoped the remaining more than 24 Universal paid off in three years, \

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