Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Interest in non-utilitarian response to an important form of psychological response uggs sale

The broad interests usually include novelty, curiosity included. Understanding of contemporary psychology of interest mainly to the \The so-called \, it is considered in the organism's \On the surface, intrinsic motivation view is different from the traditional \physiological needs in the conditions out of \The traditional \They can not be consistency between the paradigm.

In fact, for interest, we need not give its \stimulation caused by certain conditions, from certain to stimulate interest in reaction conditions do not exist. Second, stimulus-response activity of interest is a product of evolution is the survival of the organism needs 使然. In this chapter we have pointed out: interest and minor reactions are not independent organisms must be under conditions (to be fed and protected conditions) must learn to cope with future competition for survival the basic survival skills , because unlike animals, people, skills previous generations can not be passed on to the next generation, which occurred under certain conditions inherent to stimulate interest in response to a basic survival skills to promote the young animals were the basic intrinsic motivation. Of course, here we are mainly concerned for the higher animals, and for some lower animals (such as the oviparous animals), interested in response of course only locally significant.

on the evolution of this view, Gross (K · Groos) 30 years in the last century been made in a similar sense, although not directly targeted Gross interest, but for children's games. Gross believes that the future of the game is an unconscious preparation for life is to do preparatory exercises mature. Children have a natural instinct, but instinct can not adapt to the complexities of life in the future, there must be a preparation stage of life, the natural instinct on the basis of practice, training their own competition for the survival of the necessary capacity.

Gross said here, although human children, but for most of the higher animals are also applicable. As interest in the game is actually triggered intrinsic motivation, the above views on the game can also be said for the interest. Of course, we believe that the role of interest is not to be direct and specific minor organism's survival skills, but gain a basic viability, so some of Gross's view is wrong, such as he thought the girls played dolls is prepare for the future mother.

Robert White (L. White) 50's in the last century also point out: the highly developed animals in order to survive must learn to deal effectively with environmental problems. The curiosity of some scenarios, or self-motivation is to increase opportunities for learning to deal effectively with the environment and, therefore, to survive and reproduce. Robert mentioned here actually refers to the self-motivated interest in animals, although Robert did not major in terms of targeting underage animals.

can see from the above, the understanding of the interest from both major focus; First of all interest in response to stimulation by certain conditions arise, not from the stimulus conditions of interest in the place to talk about; second is for the interest nature (not from the response in terms of simple interest, but from the general process of stimulus-response terms) come from understanding their evolutionary significance. Therefore, our understanding of intrinsic motivation and interest in view not only useless, but harmful.

for interest, we should note the following:

1. In response to the occurrence of interest in terms of understanding, not only to pay attention to aspects of interest in reaction to external conditions, such as external things, conduct, and the cognition, but also care that the interest in more direct reaction of the basic psychological conditions such as the new interest in sex differences occurred in the direct sense of the new. We will back that caused a direct interest in psychological reaction conditions, but also against the non-utilitarian - to conquer idea. Can be seen on the interest in reactions, we must pay attention to the occurrence of the external aspects of conditions, and pay attention to more direct interest in reactions of the basic psychological conditions.

2. In this chapter we pointed out that the interest is not a simple response to the response, but an intensive response, constitute the basic units of interest in response to interest in excitement. Excited interest in sexual arousal and desire there to meet the difference between sexual arousal. In general, the new interest in response to the opposite sex is sexual arousal and desire to meet the chain composition of excitement, but this chain also has an overall \Similarly, spark a new interest in sex is also a response to changing external conditions, the series, it will inevitably lead to people feeling different series of new emergence of interest in order to occur.

3. For the interest of the classification of contemporary psychology is vague, such as new contemporary psychology and sex did not distinguish between interest and antagonistic interests, nor will a new freshness and curiosity and interest in and antagonistic interest in sex to distinguish (see Meng Zhaolan : \detailed analysis of the conditions of interest. Our research indicates that only two kinds of fundamental interest: first, the new interest in the opposite sex, one antagonistic interests. The new interest in sex differences by a series of new sense of cause; and antagonistic interest in the confrontation by the non-utilitarian - conquest of ideas cause. The following, we interest to both the title to be discussed.

a new interest in sex

(a) the basic characteristics of the new interest in sex

new interest in response to a direct activation of the opposite sex is a novel sense of the conditions, people's sense of the source novel is extremely broad, on the external conditions of perception, human behavior, symbolic association activities, learning and science research activities, etc. can lead to novel human sense. As the human response to the new interest in the opposite sex is excited by a specific interest in the chain structure, and therefore a new reaction associated with the opposite sex interested in the new sense is also a series or different rheological properties. From the activity side, the people of the opposite sex interested in the new reaction of the activities in different games, activities, tourism activities and learning - research activities. Allow people access to a variety of games with a new sex visual, auditory, kinesthetic and chain, can also be symbolic association and different people to get a good sense of the new, which sparked a new interest in the opposite sex; tourism activities can Different people get a lot of new vision, and can cause people a lot of elements that contains the new Lenovo heterosexual feelings, people can get a lot of new knowledge, because they can give a wealth of new different feeling, solid and can cause is a strong interest and excitement; in learning and research activities, interests,uggs sale, mainly from the acquisition of new knowledge and may be, may obtain new knowledge will lead to people's desire for sexual excitement, and new knowledge will lead to people once satisfy the sexual excitement, so learning and research activities is also triggered interest in the activities of important aspects.

the basic unit of interest is the interest excited, exciting concept in psychology, there are two different basic meanings: First, mental sexual arousal, physiological arousal that one. Mental sexual arousal is a driving force with a positive polarity or characteristics of the excitement; physiological arousal refers to an active state of the nervous system, it is relative to the nervous system of the \drives and other features.

people have a variety of mental sexual arousal, such as human sexual excitement, it actually belongs to the scope of sensory response (sexual arousal is the response). Chu Xing excitement, the main interest in mental sexual excitement excitement and emotional excitement (in this emotional feeling that utilitarian), although these two kinds of excitement in the Xing Zhi Fan Ying there is not essential difference, but in the event the conditions are completely different on . Interest excited by the novel and non-utilitarian sense of the confrontation - conquest of ideas caused the emotional excitement is caused by the emotion. Thus, the phenomenon of psychological responses, we can not just simply based on their reaction to distinguish, we must pay attention to the difference between the conditions of its occurrence.

interest are excited to meet the desire of sexual arousal and excitement of the difference. Satisfy the sexual excitement is a pure excitement, and thus will feel joy and satisfaction; the desire for sexual arousal is different, desire for sexual arousal is a link that contains nervous excitement, the desire for sexual excitement is a driving force in nature. In general, to meet the sexual sense of excitement caused directly by the novel, but because of the occurrence of new conditions with different instability, variability, so a new trigger to meet different sense of sexual arousal will tend to disappear very quickly, leading to satisfy the sexual excitement The disappearance or weakening, and sometimes even lead to a novel sense of the conditions have not disappeared, but the novel influenza will subside, resulting in the loss to meet the sexual arousal, diminished. For these reasons, lead to people feeling the new novel needs and desires lead to sexual arousal. As the desire for sexual excitement with drives performance, so will affect people's behavior, leading to new conditions for the emergence of novel, sparked a new novel sense of excitement and satisfaction. Thus we see the reaction of people interested in the new reality is the opposite sex sexual excitement and desire to meet the overlap between sexual arousal and chain composition, both from new sex-related conditions continue to be interested in the meet, while conditions of the new generation and maintenance of the opposite sex have a strong impact.

Here are some examples of children's games:

baby will continue to pull the rope rings can, because they get excited from the rings (to meet the sexual excitement). As the rings are rapidly disappearing, thereby triggering a recurrence of their rings, desire, and desire for sexual excitement generated, leading to their continued interest in the rope acts.

baby sometimes kept throwing the same thing, and this is because things would lead to the whereabouts of their visual excitement (to meet the sexual excitement). As the whereabouts of what the process will end soon, so excited dissipated or weakened, thereby causing the re-obtain the whereabouts of visual desire, arousal and trigger desire, something they will pick up to or require adults to help its picked up, and then chuck me. This is what they continue to receive interest from the methods to meet.

larger babies often play with toys, play with toys to play with the aim to continue the process of access to novel influenza, and to obtain sustained interest in excitement. Meanwhile, the interest always excited to meet the desire of sexual arousal and excitement of the organic unity, thus making it important to promote the child play with the activities of intrinsic motivation.

children have can be a lot of symbolic play activities, symbolic play activities are closely linked, and Lenovo. Young children through role-playing as well as the role of peer interaction between, so that they get a lot of new and different sense of feeling different from this new interest in access to important meet, but meet at the same time that interest is to promote the importance of its gaming activities intrinsic motivation.

see from the above, interested not only has to meet the sexual excitement, but also has the power, thus becoming an important activity to promote the children's game of contract.

excited for the interest we need to pay attention to its overall \can be caused by conditions related to the continuity of the continuous increase excitement (such as symbolic of the game activities), and reveals the excitement of a whole \

interest can vary due to a new sense of faded and faded, while the novel has a sense of regression associated with memory. The general sense of the new novel memory and memory between the old \reduced or lost (and weaken the general rate of disappearance of the original memory for the \However, there are new memories to keep general relativity, in the absence of relevant stimulation conditions, the new memory retention will weaken, so the original sense of the lost novel will likely occur in the relevant stimulus conditions. For example, children's games are often changed his, and tired of the game, a moment or over time will re-occur. This shows that, with the memory retention in the absence of stimulus conditions, weakening, and this memory-related novel influenza will occur. Of course, the repeated play of the game is not entirely based on the original memory based on the weakening of the general will have a new novel flu.

memory of \occurred only sporadically at most novel sense of interest and thus can not form. So we see that individual interest is always varies with age, especially for in knowledge, level of experience in growing children and teenagers. Not only that, we also see that with the knowledge, experience, systems become increasingly complex, people's interest began to divide the state never to divide the state.

more interest in our new basic characteristics of the opposite sex were analyzed, in order for us to have the interest in better understanding the phenomenon, the following analysis will involve a wider range of areas.

(b) fresh

freshness is a heterosexual with the new interest in both identical and different psychological phenomenon, we have reason to discuss the refreshing, is due to the occurrence mechanism of freshness and new interest in the mechanism of the opposite sex is a common nature, so, of freshness for more in-depth understanding of our interest in a theoretical value of the new sex. Meanwhile, the novelty in itself is the psychological phenomenon of interest.

novelty is a new perception of the opposite sex due to reason we do not speak is caused by a novel sense,uggs for cheap, because the concept itself, including fresh human novel influenza context. In daily life, when people see novel situations or to enter a new environment different atmosphere, it is usually there will be fresh place. Psychological components of novelty constituted by two: first novel sense, it is a new perception of the opposite sex caused; two exciting new sex, it is caused by a novel influenza. So the excitement and new interest in meeting the opposite sex is no different from sexual arousal. But freshness is different from the new interest in the opposite sex is the main point: the condition is usually caused by fresh fixed, unchanging, it can only lead to an inherent or from the general sense is inherent in the novel and exciting new sex , rather than as the performance of the new interest in sex differences for the new sense of excitement and interest in a highly linked, dynamic change process.

course, the dynamic, multidimensional novelty can also be regarded as interested in travel as there will be a lot of freshness to focus, the way dynamic. So fresh and new interest in sex there is no essential difference between.

was in the form of its freshness, its effect is not prominent on the psychological, but some potential psychological side, its role should be attention. For example, in everyday life, people always feel a certain freshness, over time, people will form a certain freshness to the life of psychological dependence, this psychological dependence upon the formation of human psychology would have a major impact . However, the lack of freshness of a living person will often cause significant psychological suffering, so to maintain a certain degree of freshness of life is important.

(c) of the opposite sex with a new interest in the curiosity of closely related

Some people think that curiosity is a kind of interest in response. But strictly speaking, curiosity is not interested in response, but with the new interest in the opposite sex are closely linked, but with different interests were essentially non-utilitarian nature of the other psychological reactions. Curious response to the activation condition is a cognitive imbalance (or inconsistency) is usually caused by the new knowledge generated. The reaction is a driving force of reaction. In fact, curious reaction, but a \Curious response because it is caused by a new awareness of cognitive imbalance caused, so the purpose is to enable curious reaction by eliminating this imbalance,MBT Shoes UK, which drives the general reaction of curiosity aroused psychological exploration activities, and with the cognitive imbalance receded and faded. Thus, there is a curious response and interest in essentially different. However, curiosity is also a response to excitement, a similar interest in new heterosexual desire the excitement of sexual arousal, and its trigger conditions and new knowledge about the opposite sex, so the surface, the curious reaction of the opposite sex with a new interest in reaction very similar, but because the two are usually closely related, so we will be curious reaction from the general interest as a new integral part of heterosexual one, and so they also belong to areas of interest and curiosity. See, for curious reaction (curiosity), we must note with interest the new link between heterosexual, but also noted with interest the new distinction between heterosexual.

(4) learning and research interest

learning and research interests are different from the games and tourism interests, as interest in gaming and tourism activities are based on the satisfaction of the basic purposes, but the learning and research activities are generally not to meet the basic objective of interest, and therefore interest in learning and research and learning and research activities in the relationship, usually subsidiary in nature. Learning and research interest in the game, another tourist interest is the difference between the greatest: in the learning and research activities, often have a general knowledge objective, because this general knowledge is a potential new target the opposite sex, so people can cause total The desire for sexual excitement, and such excitement in the game and tourism activities in general does not exist. Since the general trend of the process of knowledge objectives, but also produce a series of progress of local knowledge, and thus to satisfy local desires and sexual arousal. Therefore, learning and research interest is the interest of their particular composition.

learning and research need to establish the occurrence of interest in learning and research content on the basis of intelligibility, which is that people get from learning and scientific research in the premise of novel influenza. If a person on the content of learning and scientific research do not understand, he also can not derive a sense of and interest in the novel.

(5) with a contact point to see off a new sense of understanding different conditions

cognitive conditions of the new interest in heterosexual activities are to be in contact with the point of view. For example, in symbolic play activities, children's novel influenza caused by those factors, if taken in isolation, they may not necessarily have novelty,ugg store, but if we put them in the course of an existing view, then they may have a novelty; the time to listen to stories, story plot, some of the opposite sex only and therefore have a new, often against the background of the story with the previous link, if there is no previous background of the story, in isolation in some circumstances They may not have the novelty; riddle of the new sex, obviously can not simply look at a riddle, it can not simply look the answers, and answers the riddle depends on two aspects. Therefore, a new synonym for a sense of who caused the cognitive conditions, we must have a link point of view.

(6) the new interest in the opposite sex (excited) suppression

although we sense that different people may lead to new people interested in or excited about the new sex, but subject to certain conditions in restricted circumstances, the person's new sex interest or excitement can not occur, although this time Different people may have some new sense of. For example, some situations although it is a novelty, but if it is at the same time it is threatening people, then because it would cause people's fear of emotions, so that novel situations people generally do not cause new heterosexual interest or excitement, or fear of the new mood of the people interested in or excited about the occurrence of the opposite sex produced inhibition. For example, when people are in unfamiliar situations, people will arise because of fear or fear of strangers, rather than the new interest in sex and excitement, which is strange because in the human subconscious and often dangerous, the threat associated, so This stranger is not caused by a new interest in sex and excitement, but a potential, possible dangers and threats of fear and fear. It's a new interest and excitement of the occurrence of the opposite sex would have been the subject of the psychological state of the utilitarian nature of the inhibition or shielding. For example, a candidate Chenggong worry about whether the candidate during his meetings with recruiters to meet when, despite a new recruit may wear different clothes, 但 he may not probably to notice; or even Zhuyi Dao a, Ye Bu would lead to his interest and excitement of clothing. Clearly, here, there are two reasons to stop the candidate of new interest and excitement of the occurrence of the opposite sex, one candidate did not observe the recruitment of new clothes worn by the opposite sex, it just did not produce clothing and style of clothing and color of the note, which did not lead to novel influenza and the occurrence of new interest in sex; Second, despite the recruitment of candidates took note of the new clothes worn by the opposite sex, but because of his mental activities are focused on how the candidate or candidates in some of the concern, thus the opposite sex did not cause him to this new interest and excitement. Shows that certain mental state is shielded novel influenza or a new interest in sex occurred.

All in all, the new interest and excitement generated the opposite sex is conditional, in addition to novel influenza but also by other conditions, where fear of emotional and psychological state of the existing utility should be taken seriously.

popular view in contemporary psychology is; medium caused the difference between interest and excitement, a huge difference cause fear and fear, which is obviously open to question. We believe that the fear of threat or hazard awareness mainly caused huge difference is not caused by fear and fear of reasons (fear of unfamiliar children's innate feeling excluded). Of course, we should also note that the difference may cause great surprise and surprise people, not the interest and excitement. Surprise and astonishment as emotional management generally, but can also be seen as a person born with characteristics of non-utilitarian forms of psychological reaction, which consists of a huge imbalance caused by cognitive (medium degree of imbalance caused by curiosity ). It can cause a huge imbalance of cognitive understanding the opposite sex can not lead to new interest and excitement (ie, novel influenza should not include the huge imbalance can cause a new cognitive understanding the opposite sex).

two antagonistic interests

confrontational person interested in the activation condition is non-utilitarian nature of the confrontation - conquest of ideas, so activate the antagonistic interests of the conditions than the conditions for activation of complex new interest in the opposite sex. Although the conditions for activation of antagonistic interest in more complex, but it is still pre-birth sex (ie, the confrontational nature of interest inherent potential of pre-and non-utilitarian nature of human confrontation - between the innate ideas to conquer the pre-contact) . Antagonistic interest in the occurrence of relatively new interest in the occurrence of the opposite sex later,ugg outlet store, it generally occurs in early childhood stage, that infants have the ability to run after. Only at this stage, children only possible competition between the behavior than the game, as you chase me, chase the game you act. This behavior is the competition than the game caused by the antagonistic interests.

trigger antagonistic activities of interest are:

(1) competition than the game activities

competition game activities can be divided into more than athletic competition and fun than the games than the games are two types of competition. Athletic competition than the activities,ugg boots sale, such as young children, you chase me, chase your activities as well as older children and young people's amusement than sports competition activities and so on; interesting than competing activities, such as children to catch mystery possession, playing billiards and playing cards, chess and other activities. All game activities than competition by two or more participants; competition than the game has certain rules; game results are generally premised on separation of winning or losing. As the competition than the confrontational, antagonistic to enable participants to gain experience, and generate ideas to conquer, and thus lead to confrontational excited. Than the game in the competition, participants confrontational excitement is structured (or intensive), the general excitement by the general and specific confrontational confrontational pose excitement. Such as playing cards, find the demand to win the general antagonism caused excitement, every time a specific license, if a \Antagonism is also excited to meet the desires of excitement and the distinction between sexual arousal, desire to conquer idea of confrontation caused by the excitement, a driving force, whereas antagonistic excited to meet by the conquest of the local and the overall results - the local fight to succeed or win the cause, it is generally force of hassel. For competition terms than the game, as people generally interested in the main priority is the satisfaction (satisfaction of interest is the main purpose of the game), winning or losing is not important, so although the person who wins will have the satisfaction of intense excitement, but the losers General pain will soon subside, and into the conquest of new ideas.

than the game in the competition, some games is a skill and intelligence in nature, which can cause people to play and intellectual skills in the use of creative activity, this creative activity will lead to the excitement of people - creative excitement. Creative excitement generally have more attractive, so the creative component of games is very appealing. Creative activity and creative excitement of the game not only with the confrontational or antagonistic activities associated excitement, but also can be associated with the new interest in the opposite sex (games, activities can include confrontational, but also incorporate the new heterosexual).

(b) of the challenging self-entertainment activities

challenge of self-entertainment activity is rather like a modern activities such as mountain climbing, bungee jumping, surfing and survival challenges. Challenging the initial state of self-entertainment activities had occurred in childhood, we have 8,9 year-old children who often can see their so-called \Challenges faced by self-entertainment activities \In general, the activities of non-utilitarian terms, when people are faced with a difficult natural conditions and produce to overcome it to reach a certain sense of purpose, they will generate excitement confrontational; Similarly, if people overcome a certain psychological fear in order to achieve certain goals, also have antagonistic excited. For example, in climbing, due to the process of climbing to overcome difficulties,Vibram Five Fingers, so the goal is usually caused by mountain climbers significant antagonistic excitement; in bungee jumping, because to overcome the inherent fear of bungee jumping, bungee jumping will cause people so strongly antagonistic excited.

own pleasure in challenging activities, exciting but also desire sexual arousal sexual arousal and satisfaction. Caused by the excitement of mountaineering purposes is the desire for sexual excitement, in the mountain, after achieving generate excitement is to meet the strong sexual arousal. Challenging self-entertainment activities because of the excitement of the types of activities constitute vary. For example, in climbing the process, both with the overall objective of excitement related to the excitement, there are specific difficulties in overcoming the excitement generated, and the excitement of bungee jumping process occurs mainly in the process and, after achieving bungee jumping.

(c) view of the antagonistic activity

view of the antagonistic activities usually include a variety of game viewing, enjoy the war films, action films and so on. Before we talk about interest activities are caused by antagonistic individuals to participate in person, but here is not the individual personally participated in the activities, and lead to the main interest is in the position of the viewer. Why watch the game or enjoy war movies, action movies can cause people's interest? This is because people watch the game or war films, action films, psychology is \be fully aware of the people in confrontational activities possess strong to conquer the opponent's requirements. This will cause people to feel the same excitement of confrontation. Here we see an example look at the game in this case the characteristics of people's interest in response.

when the game both sides scrambling, in stalemate, the viewer's psychological in addition to maintaining a certain degree of excitement, there existed a very strong sense of tension, and this tension can any one of the relative advantage of being reduced, so that the viewer can then be certain to meet the sexual excitement, it can be further desire to arouse sexual excitement. When the game is the obvious advantage of a party state, usually the viewer's desire for sexual excitement this time will be stronger, because the viewers want the party to quickly overcome the advantages of disadvantages of the party. End of the game, one through hard struggle and triumph, then the viewer will thus have strong sexual excitement to meet.

seen from the above, the tensions caused by the antagonistic, confrontational excitement can not be divorced from a sense of tension. The protest against the party in a dominant position, will decline in tension, excitement, enhanced, and this increased arousal can people be met, but also the desire for further sexual arousal birth.

course, we are talking about the interest of the viewer psychology refers to the tendency of the game for both sides interest in psychology, if tendentious, so performance will be different. Tendentious, his standing in the prone position is a party: the party or the other in a stalemate passive state, will cause his tension; the side in a dominant position, would cause his excitement; the parties to obtain final victory, will lead to the satisfaction of his strong excitement, on the contrary, the party's defeat and his failure would cause more intense pain.

more of our people caused by the adversarial nature of the three basic activities of interest were analyzed, but in reality, the antagonistic interests and the new interest in the opposite sex is not entirely separate, and in many interest and interest can cause the activity, excitement and novelty excited antagonism is often organically linked. For example, in chess, card games activities, people are not only generated excitement because of their antagonism, but also for playing chess, playing cards in the new changes will also have all the excitement; bungee not only generated excitement due to conquer fear, but also due to experience never before high-altitude experience and the whereabouts of the excitement generated very strong; in independent travel, people not only get a lot of fresh and exciting new sex, and often need to be overcome because the process of self-help tourism caused many difficulties confrontational excited; for study and research interests, the inter including the acquisition of new knowledge and requirements of the excitement generated by the new sex, but also because access to the knowledge required to overcome certain difficulties arising from antagonistic excited.

Concluding Remarks

more sex we have new people interested in the occurrence of antagonistic interests and the conditions and associated form of freshness, curiosity and other psychological analyzed, from the above analysis we see that the performance of interest the form of diverse and extremely complex. Although interest in the evolution of innate basis, but because of interest and people's understanding of the link between the conditions, can have varied manifestations of interest. Although the basic nature of the interest will not change, but the form of interest will be with the way human activities and the associated changes in external conditions change.

interest of the people is of great significance, not only on the one hand interested in children's basic knowledge, skills, access is important, but also child psychology very important aspect of life. Interest in adult psychology and behavior has important implications. Adult learning activities and interests are closely related, interests and the relationship between scientific research activities is well known, the interest is also an important aspect of adult life, especially with the development of modern life, interest in modern life increasingly playing an increasingly important role.

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