Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The critical period is the most important and timely to meet the diverse needs of baby ugg boots uk

Hungry, feed time, pull the urinary timely diaper, fed up immediately hold, cried immediately coax, that the child's demands are reasonable. Because then the most need for a sense of security needs are met in time baby, parents, and this new world will generate trust and recognition, will also confident.

child from the parents to make child's parents, one's social roles began earth-shaking changes. First, my mother, more than one month to restore both to make their own good they should take good care of your baby is quite easy. As the saying goes: A good beginning is half the battle, if a smooth ride this month, prepared to deal with the challenges of raising children, their future will become relatively easy, on the contrary, one month down the body does not have a good recovery, the mood from time to time anxiety in the face babies are often at a loss, in the future may encounter more problems more acute.

just his father's comrades always when the excitement from head to toe for days, but then many people may feel they do not lend a hand Nianger Liang, simply fell to the side of the rest look on, or running out for them earn it, not realize it, but guilty of parenting taboo. His wife is experiencing tremendous impact the special needs of her husband's moral support; baby is facing the test of life, but also the special needs of his father's care this double big hands, this month is the meritorious service reward for a good time father, mother and baby can well adapted to the new life,ugg boots uk, it depends on the performance of you.

contrast, the most difficult thing this month baby in the womb he had just time to eat or drink or worry about environmental stability, and now face the ups and downs of such a noisy world, With only an immature child to cope with the small physique. For him, no more than comfort and security is more important, if your baby this month, can quickly adapt to this new world, their future will be wider and wider, on the contrary, if contradictory conflicts this month, his future inevitably there will be more obstacles and difficulties.

So the key task of the core of parenting, \Specifically, the key is to promptly meet the diverse needs of the baby hungry, feed time, pull the urinary timely diaper, fed up immediately hold, cried immediately coax, that the child's demands are reasonable. Because then the most need for a sense of security needs are met in time baby, parents, and this new world will generate trust and recognition, will also confident. Conversely, if parents are not according to their own needs to take care of his baby, but according to the requirements of rigid textbook treat him, or simply that it happened, even to the children he set some rules to demanding, the baby will feel the strain on the parents and a new life full of doubts, we would feel inferior and incompetent, this situation continues, the child will become a lack of confidence in the future do not trust other people, not good at cooperation and interpersonal communication, creativity, poor commonplace of generation, with children's lives completely different with the past, parents had a responsibility not only more but also increased the number of labor, adding a lot of pressure. In addition to helping your baby to adapt to new life, all parents, especially mothers have to work hard to adapt. According to the rhythm of a child living arrangements, once the baby to sleep on the seize time to rest, doing post-natal exercise, read books and listen to music, with an experienced child care experts come and chat, can help her the release of psychological pressure, in order to better adapt to new life.

key of the first major of the game is when your baby awake with his eye contact, gently massage your baby's body and speak softly to him, choose the right time to let your baby lie in bed for a short period of time lie, do healthy exercise activities and joint activities of the baby's body, but also for the baby to see brightly colored toys and graphics, to his pleasant tone and listen to soft music to help baby develop audio and video capabilities first, the rise of capacity, the simple visual capture capability and tracking ability, as well as the mother on the ability to communicate.

parents should be able to obtain proper care methods, such as carrying children, feeding, changing diapers, shampoo bath, wrapped and dressed, clipping the nails, clean up the nasal passages, umbilical care, etc., usually to observe the baby The various reactions are normal, note records the baby's weight changes, sleep, skin color, response characteristics, recording the parents concerns and to allow the performance of your surprise and confusion.

this stage parents can be sure: the child has sufficient capacity to meet the challenges of survival, but also his own needs and feelings are very aware, and has been working with their own emotions to inform the mother. But because such a small life are familiar enough, parents are often not well understood the meaning of the baby, but also hard to avoid all kinds of fear, but not sure if you own, do not lightly conclude that the child in question, the best to find an experienced child care experts as consultants, with the backing of experts can be trusted, there is a reliable channel to solve the problems, the more a force to overcome difficulties, parents have to get some real help and recommendations, but also can release their tension, better adapted to raise the baby a new life.

children for communication and exchange of impulses will be much more intense than it appears, he is like so much with you in the eye, and sometimes even looked up with eyes to tease you, or sheets of the small coax your mouth sound initiative.

parents should be an accurate understanding of the idea of the baby, but that he really experienced the love of parents. To this end, the first adults to do a heart, make a modest observer, carefully identify and understand your baby's signals, you will find him crying his eyes and facial expressions, his range of motion and frequency,uggs sale, how a kind of precise language.

After three months running between parents and children, from each other to adapt to each other familiar with. After her mother's efforts to deal with this period in general should be very handy little things, while the baby is not only significant growth in weight and height, activity also increased significantly, to cope with daily life should become a fairly calm.

baby sleep time gradually become shorter days and longer, increased activity at the same time, expressions are more extensive than before. I believe Mom and Dad will never forget the baby's first smile, though sweet moments often occur in sleep. The smile is the first representative of the feeling of physical comfort, as if telling the parents, \the. Different baby cries, movements and smile tell us he needs and feelings, as if a smart thinker, but different from Bale and adult expression.

because the baby instinctively closer to my mother, my father would often feel a little lost, but as long as we aside your traditional moves and more with the baby, said a few words, more time teasing his children play on will find that your baby is also full of original love of the Father, and he was so willing to put their own wishes and feelings of the strongest to you \

children for communication and exchange of impulses will be much more intense than it appears, he is like so much with you in the eye, and sometimes even looked up with eyes to tease you, or sheets of the small coax your mouth active voice, if adults understand him, is likely to get all jump up, but if the parents have the thread of wood satisfied, your baby will feel like in the \over time may become self-protection and closed. There is another kind of picture is a baby to do something specific, if the parents are always mistaken identity, his admiration for you will be greatly reduced in the future what parents request or directive, there are often changes in his into a dead letter, the children will still go its own way.

the wind blows and the baby was a skilled,ugg store, usually what is required he always tried to cry, but one day my mother argue with their father a bad mood, do not care directed at the child shouted, he knew his mother angry, worried mom anger on their own, do not want knocked, so it changed the past two days would be a \

the core of this critical period of child-raising mission is to \To this end, the first adults to do a heart, make a modest observer, carefully identify and understand your baby's signals, you will find him crying his eyes and facial expressions, his range of motion and frequency, how a kind of precise language. If the mother can read it and be able to reasonably satisfy the requirements of the baby, to boot properly on the baby can help him to successfully adapt a little bit of family life, learning and development of new skills.

But if the mother like a Zhangerhuoshang, puzzled expression on the child, it might be like a \constantly, often with the parents in addition to misunderstanding, but also make them feel incompetent, over time will make him restless, on the physical and mental growth and development of serious adverse effects, will become reluctant to socialize with people, to show courage Small back self-pity autistic tendencies.

this period the key is for parents not suspicious, because the greatest changes in this period of time the child is also the most volatile, and many surface phenomena of people nervous, in fact this is not mature enough physically age characteristics of small things such as spits, burps, stool increase or decrease in sleep occasionally twitching, hair loss,ugg boots sale, etc., necessary to accurately grasp the situation of children, parents have to stop and can not be soaked. Spend a lot of time and effort for the children to do the \If the child has encountered real trouble, the parents requested the child-care experts and medical help is a wise choice

second critical period of the main training includes full training baby head movement and control, take the initiative to reach out enough to get and the film caught, focus, gaze and visual tracking capabilities, as well as the development of independent sleep, regular eating habits, good preparation and other basic living. At this time the baby is like for parents to take him up vertically and move around, and things are taking place around the growing interest, but relatively speaking he's face and the faces of the most interesting facial expressions, hands-on capacity require parents to take the initiative to get a good development.

this stage, parents often coax the baby to sleep in the feeding and waste too much energy at the expense of communication with the child. You may even find that the more hope that their children eat, the more we give him nutritional supplement, for him \Once the parents really relax a bit, with the baby on the strength of \

baby though still small, but he may not stupid, but not stupid. He would not ill-treat him, and he must know to be hungry, full of the will politely avoid, not against adults will be comfortable crying and crying, if you do not play with him, the baby nurse on the extension of time to spend with you ate and play ... ... this stage not enough heart, if the parents are likely to commit errors in self-deception, because the baby needs, in addition to the physical pain and urgent requirements, mostly be met by breast-feeding,ugg outlet store, the original cold , and heat, and a man lying lonely, and her mother holds a feed, the problem solved on the surface, but not positive solutions. Faced with this situation, different babies have different personal interpretation: \a kind of baby from time to acknowledge that he would like, \

to the baby about three months, if parents still do not understand the meaning of your baby, or will not tease him, will not coax him to have to step up, and more with other parents to demonstrate their ideas, expertise and more to the parental consult experts to consult, to communication problems with the baby in this critical period of years to solve.

third critical period - three to six months or so
baby suddenly seems to grow

many, energy and more abundant, and the baby like play but will not play, if his interest be met during the game feel happy, it will more and more land the desire to learn to be aroused, this will be a lifetime of learning motivation.

this stage many parents first challenge is to come from eating and sleeping problems, but the baby eats and sleeps all day fighting with the parents are putting the cart before the parents. There is a magic weapon to solve most problems - the game is happy with the baby. Parents should give him enough opportunities to create, arrange-rich environment, otherwise the child will be disappointed, a long time will feel lost.
baby suddenly seems to grow

many, crying gradually reduced and is mainly to express their emotions, most of the requests began a variety of movement and voice to communicate with facial expressions, things in life are not that people worried parents began to pay more attention to the natural ability of the development of the baby.

baby even though a person can play a while, but he is more like it was accompanied, like watching the game and to imitate others. Because of innate personality is different and some babies prefer to exercise, such as raised by their parents to hopping, and some babies prefer to listen to adults talk, the dialogue with adults, play interpersonal games, a few small baby playing with building blocks like the focus to or keep our noses to head peeling, can play quietly for a long time,ugg boots wholesale, and even allow parents to taste a strange sense of loss.

play this critical period is relatively more important in itself, but what game to play back in the second. Because this stage of development the child born impulse still plays a leading role, as long as the parents consciously every day with the baby playing, he can learn skills, on the contrary, even the parents read a lot of books, especially of the month, the play with the children what a good game but not used, the children look forward to the lack of games or difficult to successfully enter the game characters, all methods will be castles in the air, all the plans will be on paper.

in the baby's life, his father more children playing the role of partners in the game, though weight is not important, but the position has become increasingly important. Some studies have proved the basic IQ children more level with the mother's child-care related, and IQ of the baby probably has a good father.

the core of this stage of parenthood is the \learning will become increasingly the desire to be aroused, this will be a lifetime of learning motivation. Parents should give him enough opportunities to create, arrange-rich environment, otherwise the child will be disappointed, a long time will feel lost. The other extreme is the parents too want the baby grow up quickly skills, the game play too much emphasis on the what and how to play, but also may give children too much pressure, and in fact he does not like games.

this stage, the first challenge for many parents from eating and sleeping. Gradually add complementary feeding your baby needs, from a pure liquid food will gradually learn to eat mud paste to eat food, he needed to practice swallowing semi-solid food, learning to chew and eat with a spoon, used to accept the different taste and character of the food, these capabilities surface, only a small step on the baby, but a great challenge, his digestive system needs a revolution, from the concepts of the food and food produce new knowledge.

Although the baby will eat different character entirely different attitude revolution, but all children can achieve the final victory, expectations, too, worried about too much interference, too much and then are baby revolution obstacle on the road, often counter-productive. Eating problems, parents can only be a observer and guide, not a dictator can do, to believe that your baby has the ability, but also know he has the power to decide how to eat, although the parents often do not know what it is exactly, but eating or do not eat your baby always had a sufficient basis.

difficulty falling asleep, sleep is not practical or even middle of the night crying and complaints from parents at this stage is the main content, in addition to the previous stage does not form good habits, or a small baby from illnesses such as stomach pain, the two most common reasons, the first games awake enough, the energy of fast-growing baby has not been effectively released two parents to cover their children too much heat he could not sleep peacefully. India has a saying called \were tired and really want to sleep, you are also able to prevent blocking, wake up call all shout.

this critical period of the baby eats and sleeps all day fighting with the parents are putting the cart before the parents. There is a magic weapon to solve most problems - the game is happy with the baby. This phase should focus on the capacity of training your baby stand up and sit up free ability to turn over requested not only to turn from lying prone, but also learn to turn back, sit up enough solar energy, had to learn gradually firmly secured, sitting, can freely change positions.

Abilities special needs parents to take the initiative, should prepare some small hand grip for baby toys, such as rings, stretch bell, ears rattle, bead Tsai, Shimizu building block, etc., hanging in front of the baby or placed in the baby front, led him to take the initiative to reach out precise grip, exercise hand-eye coordination preliminary. Most children will be keen to hand the toy to your mouth taste, this is not to impose restrictions on the learning process, parents can try to transfer the baby's attention, the most important thing is often cleaned and disinfected toys clean, let him look from time to time to meet gnawing desire.

should use every opportunity in life with your baby simple dialogue and exchange,ugg outlet store, and who spoke the sentence should be short, and the words to accurately pitch to put a high lip to exaggerations, but to repeat, and and the baby to see, touch things or are engaged in activities linked. Both see and hear, compared to the use of a variety of ways to help your baby develop and improve the resolving power of visual perception is the key to one of the priorities of the education.

this critical period of the baby's life was greatly enriched, and ability to greatly progress, problems encountered will be intertwined to become more complicated than before, so the law as soon as possible to establish good habits of life on the agenda, and every day to eat, sleep, play, stool, bathing, meals, etc., should arrange an obvious rhythm, step by step guide with conscious baby, training and strengthening the baby to develop good patterns of life The sooner parents to help your baby establish a law of the earlier liberation, the sooner the liberation of intelligence and personality to promote comprehensive development of the baby the better.

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