Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Apple Chief Financial Officer of distress no place to spend this money to ugg boots australia

Apple's chief financial officer Peter? Oppenheimer (Peter Oppenheimer)

Introduction: Foreign media analysis of articles published today,ugg boots australia, said Apple chief financial officer Peter? Oppenheimer (Peter Oppenheimer) might be the situation faced by peer-dream : The Office, awash in cash Quemei consumption.

following article in full:

Apple's cash reserves have reached nearly 46 billion U.S. dollars, ranking first in the United States technology companies, Apple's market value equal to one-fifth. And because Apple's ultra-conservative investment style, combined with low interest rate environment, such a large cash reserves are basically not making money for Apple. Apple rarely carried out acquisitions, or used to pay a dividend or repurchase shares periodically.

consultancy Creative Strategies analyst 提姆巴贾林 (Tim Bajarin) joked: \> Analysts said Apple's 1990's experience of the brink of Si Wang You Zhuyu Jie Shi Gai Gongsi why Yuanyitouzi Yu security Danshouyilv low of U.S. Treasury debt and Jigou to maintain its liquidity.

Apple's latest quarter's cash and investment income was only 0.76%,uggs for sale, 1.43% in fiscal 2009,ugg sale uk, fiscal 2008 was 3.44%,uggs for cheap, 5.27% in fiscal 2007. Despite the low yield, but Apple is not currently facing the better use of its cash in a lot of pressure. Investors of any veiled criticism of Apple's stock price may be due to a meteoric rise and shut up. Since 2007, Apple's share price has doubled.

Pacific Crown Securities (Pacific Crest Securities) analyst Andy Hargreaves (Andy Hargreaves),kids ugg boots, said: \In the back of the head. but the situation will change at some point. \to reach 65 billion U.S. dollars.

careful style of deep-rooted

Oppenheimer reiterated his credo has been to Wall Street: Apple's investment focus is \

Bajarin said Oppenheimer's prudent investment strategy can be traced back to his human resources services company Automatic Data Processing serving time, but Apple CEO Steve Jobs is also the patron of conservatism .

55-year-old Jobs and 47-year-old Silicon Valley Oppenheimer believe in a motto: Only the paranoid survive.

they are struggling to remember the dead line of Apple and had to lay off thousands of employees to cut costs of the dark period. When Oppenheimer joined Apple in 1996 as Chief Financial Officer of the Americas, the company has hit a series of poor management decisions Apple profit to Apple's stock price has shrunk to less than 5 U.S. dollars.

the situation was becoming less optimistic about Apple, so that after Steve Jobs return to Apple, one of the first do get Microsoft in 1997 from 150 million U.S. dollars of investment. Perhaps those days have long gone,discount ugg boots, but the principle of financial prudence may be a long time Apple.

While Apple is known for innovation, but the R & D costs equal to only 3% of company revenues,ugg online, the proportion is far lower than companies such as Microsoft and Cisco. Of course, part of the reason is that Apple's product line is relatively narrow.

> Related: Apple cloud computing transfer music slowed down the progress of creating 7 Apple iPad loser: Microsoft Intel Foxconn Zhengzhou in the column to open the first production line of manufacturing, said Apple has exceeded Apple's cell phone into the world's 3rd largest Lenovo notebook manufacturers

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