Tuesday, August 3, 2010

100 classic maxim [change] ugg outlet

1. And choose the right person and pay, choosing books and reading, choosing words while listening, the right thing from the line.
2. a person's happiness, not because he owns, but because he care about less.
3. angry, that is, to punish the mistakes of others themselves. Forgive, that is good to yourself.
4. not happy then more money and more money and more tired and had trouble strokes. Poor Lok Road is truly free, unencumbered Fest.
5. frequently thought had been sit-ins, people chatting on the non-Mo, can suffer is for the Patriots, not the idiot who is willing to lose, King virtuous gentleman's side were afraid of bad people is not incompetent, step back from day Heights width, so that three sub-calm, like to be thought progressive deterioration, if a free hand to proceed first consideration, such as not re proud to where things should be Yubu. Hold gold as precious, to know peace side Zhiqian Jin, think twice for the wonderful things imminent, anger highest cored patient. Do not corrupt windfall, contented people who always music. If something in this place, A lifetime of happiness Pleasures.
6. doing things do not seek power, no power over that. Man without a sense of morality, no complaint is Germany.
7. Peace is fortunate, contentment is a blessing, a pure heart is Paul, a few desires life.
8. person mind, many want to be narrow, and few desires are wide.
9. rather poor from the music, not the rich multi-voiced concern.
10. advised to retire by the deep thinking, When they can be proud off.
11. the situation is not to do, not enjoy the blessing, not ideally cheap, smart, not exhausted.
12. drop hollows the stone, not force, but that effort deep.
13. frowning his life do not do things the world should not gear people.
14. the person required to submit a proper way, the Friends of Mo knot nonsense. Quiet drink the tea, the wine color Mo corruption. Open the door, busy mouth of right and wrong.
15. multi-room door of the wind, to dwell on the misfortune of life.
16. things headlong such as water, break the hearts of fame and fortune hang. Going off bread and water, wealth and glory it up.
17. \Can be done often enough, the heart always cheerful, who seek products from high to no.
18. Evil is good in life to talk about people too; life has been to fool the evil smell.
19. Evil and do,ugg outlet, pursue the public good, to good rather than Mo, Mo to evil minor occasions.
20. Mo jealous his long, long jealous, you have the short end. Mo defensive short, shield their mistakes, then have the end is not long.
21. Work need not be popular with, and is not different with the vulgar. Things do not cause happiness, should not cause hatred.
22. There are two things that can not wait: 1, filial piety. Second, do good deeds.
23. Deposit equal heart line to facilitate things, then the world without incident. Huai compassion, mercy do something, then the hearts of peace.
24. Pettiness,uggs australia uk, the more trouble the mind, the general, intellectual richness.
25. His life no matter who may be hiding, this is a big fast.
26. \\
27. Rapid relief of weeks for the good things solid. Can not boast, its Dehou now!
28. Case of favorable circumstances, a fine of it lightly, met adversity, take it easy.
29. Right and wrong every day there, do not listen naturally.
30. Facial stimuli, not really enjoy. Inner serenity, is start with the Department.
31. Kind, although not to the blessing, has been far from trouble; people evil, evil though not to, welfare has gone away.
32. Do not pretend, then peace of mind, do not jump, then physical security.
33. Those who do not behave, take shame. Not from the elderly to take disaster. Who is not complacent, benefit. Those who do not self-sufficient, CMP.
34. MPF left in children, children may not be able to keep; integrated book on children, children may not be able to read. As hidden virtue in the unseen world, This is Jesus Christ heirloom training also.
35. Jide for the industry, stronger than the U.S. residential farmland.
36. A heart of love is a blessing, can eliminate the worry has wisdom.
37. Physical security as peace of mind, big house as the heart.
38. Romans, Julius Caesar, Megatron three continents Europe, Asia and Africa, dying to tell the waiter said: \dream tied to have fun,uggs for sale, feel empty without Daqian after.
40. grandchildren own children and grandchildren Fu, Mo worries for the children and grandchildren so far.
41. Love across primordial wisdom.
42. to conquer the world, and not great, a person can conquer himself is the greatest person in the world.
43. the lowest point of his desire,ugg boots outlet, to sublimate themselves to the highest point of the rational, divine.
44. jealous others, hatred of opponents, it means their lives to others.
45. A person who is not habit-dyed, well-being of nearly carry on.
46. slander others, as slanderous accusations, first pollution, their mouth.
47. hate other people, suffering is their own.
48. The reason why ordinary people is not beyond their own.
49. potbellied, but a lot of headaches down barriers, smile skim, immeasurable joy to form edge.
50. to change yourself, is to save, to influence others, is to save people.
51. A lie is like a blooming flower, looks beautiful, life is short.
52. Only those who respect themselves, only more courage to be humble.
53. people do not seek happiness, Sri Lanka no evil. people do not seek profit,ugg adirondack, Sri harmless.
54. wise men shun sometimes seek, sometimes moving against a foolish man .
55. often blame themselves, often to get the understanding of others.
56. See has not, the door to all good. see people are not, the root of all evil.
57. to learn a sub-concession , discuss a point lower. by one point to enjoy, by one point Fukuzawa.
58. idea correct, Fuxing Pro, the idea is not correct, Zaixing photo.
59. good man doing good deeds, from the music into the music, from the Ming into the next. wicked evil, from pain into suffering, into the offerings from the offerings.
60. deal a person, life will be long. heart carved who will promote life.
61. should just bone, soft air should Chi-ta, bile may be minor, should virtual heart, words should really, should increase Hui, Fu Yi Xi, consider the near, worry is also near.
62. bitter the medicine, impolite will frankness. turn over will Wisdom. shield their mistakes non-heart-yin.
63. you now have, will become with the death of your others. then why not now Give it to people who really need it?
64. people reason for suffering, is the pursuit of the wrong things.
65. The greatest enemy is himself. The greatest failure is arrogance. the greatest folly in life is to deceive.
the most miserable life is jealous. The greatest error is inferior. The greatest pain is obsessed.
ingratiated themselves with life is the greatest humiliation. life is the most dangerous situation of greed. life is the struggle of having fame and fortune.
The greatest sin is self-deception. the most miserable life The temperament is the inferiority complex. Life is the largest bankruptcy despair.
the biggest debt in life is 人情债. the greatest sin in life is killing. life's most appalling is that sexual immorality.
the most kind-hearted act of life is dedication. The greatest well-being is put it down. The greatest appreciation is giving.
The greatest gift is forgiveness. life most admire is diligent. The greatest wealth is health.
Buddhist life is the enjoyment of the highest . The greatest happiness is the Buddha.
66. heart lucky Ye Hao, until the old rich. life kind is not good, blessing to curse trillion. heart lucky bad, bad to good fortune.
heart a good life, suffer and the poor keep emerging. heart can pull almost life, the most to save humanity. life actually made in the heart, good or bad move man,
believe life does not cultivate the heart, yin and yang fear pretensions. cultivating also orders , World Zi Xiang Bao.
67. reticent to support gas, few things repose, few thought to support sperm, few read support of.
68. to change than others to change themselves.
69. grateful to those who hurt you because he honed your mind.
grateful to cheat you, because he has enhanced your knowledge.
appreciate your lashes, as he removed your karma.
grateful abandoned your who, because he taught you to be independent.
grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability.
grateful to blame you, because he contributed to your Inspirational Wisdom.
thank you all so strong and successful man.
70. ordinary person lost in the moment, regret in the past. sage consciousness at the moment, relief in the future.
71. abstinence quit anger is Paul shenfa, convergence quiet, is household management method, random nature, is save trouble law, doing good and cultivating method is born. abide by the four methods, the outcome Mastery.
72. Life is like a drama, because destined to get together again. catching the old is not easy, treasure it even more to go. for small angry look back and think why. people get angry I'm not angry, no gas for the sick. I am mad at who, if wishful? Moreover lot of trouble and effort. neighbors than do parents, children and grandchildren trivia charged with this matter, suffer with pleasure, a good companion gods envy.
73. forbearance people can not endure, pedestrians can not row. Name: \74. patience is good, patience is the odd treasure. and once the study could not endure, fighting evil is not a small victory Zheng-qiang. Renqi no less than heart health, life will you bitter wound, there is no harm to people one step, large Fuk big worry and anxiety. < br> 75. Han Shan asked Lost: the world was slander me, bully me, insult me and laugh at me, light me, jian me, How do I Office of? Lost said: As long as forbearance him, avoid him, by his resistance, he Do not mind him, a few years, you Look at him.
76. vista, step back, brighter future.
77. evil is a plowshares, the good is the mud, good man often wicked deception, iron Ploughshares bad year after year, no Tanaka for the mud.
78. gas is no open flame, tolerance is the enemy Zaixing, but stay Fangcun Di, to the sons of farming.
79. you can \How much do you much success in future undertakings will.
80. Quji who could Agency public good winner, will contact intact.
81. do not think twice about the total failure, since one can resolute worry-free.
82. non-defense as a release of not, distress in order to shame the wise, things to do for the meritorious.
83. Mazda into the forbearance, rather than to argue, as may be able to.
84 . wounding of language, such as water covered land, it is difficult to restore.
85. maintaining a good heart, is always a good day.
86. so little more than words, so few words as well.
87. Even when To forgive, direct air to and management.
88. not afraid of much, I'm afraid many things.
89. True Giving is to worry, anxiety, respectively, attached to put everything aside.
90 . an idea down, putting at ease.
91. Buddhist and is learning to be human. Buddhism is the complete way of life awakening, self-cultivation, is to amend their behavior, thoughts, opinions.
92. saints seeking heart, do not plead for Buddha ; fool Qiufu not seeking heart.
93. ordinary person does not turn mind to switch environment. saints turn of mind to switch environment.
94. to know \95. For the past world, this life by those who are. For fruit afterlife, this life to do those 是.
96. If that cultivators, not seen world over.
97. wise to know that from the magic, fool to Magic true.
98. world and promising method, such as Menghuanpaoying, such as dew electricity,ugg outlet store, should would be the same.
99. Buddhist child is not bad, not dementia elderly Buddhist, Buddhist boy never lost.
100. obsolete regret at time, black hair and white hair do not regret learning. Flavourful gambling caused trouble regret, security interest not to regret when sick. official line of bribery offense caused by regret, regret the rich when the poor are not thrifty. filial piety when old regret,uggs for sale, regret something to help the victims do not. moving imminent regret not think twice, blindly rash regret the wrong time.

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