Saturday, July 31, 2010

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said that a woman's greatest misfortune is misunderstood man, a man they always suspected something behind. In fact, men are easy to grasp, no matter how many false, as long as you love him, you may find the key to him. In fact, women love men have a lot of fun, through the love of men, but also find a man hidden behind the infinite world.

Secret: Men emotional world of the unspoken rules is indeed a very complex man
\Men to realize their value, will continue to create in the minds of secret thoughts. The growth of men hidden nanny, and also to nourish the soul of the nutrients men. There are no secrets men will be empty heart, there will be a sense of exhaustion. Men can not do without secret. These hidden help for men is that men in the world of unspoken rules.
men attached great importance to their rule, always wanted to live in the fragments into the mysterious X-Files where to want to know their women can not see what all the.
Thus, we are men from the mouth of those they tortured the woman behind the secret rules of mutual communication, and suggest that you read these men the courage to self-righteous, self-assuredness proud of the strategy, understand, and perhaps allows you to new insight into the love battlefield situation spoils.
Rule 1 if they had not committed
scene: Enron and the old wheat in love two years, thinking that ripened fruit can be considered married. But when Enron proposed to marry the old Jimmy always says: \Enron was silent, and had to go on this way, can not meet her in another section.
old Michael in a buddy's party say the truth: marriage, this is a matter of terror cases. After the bear the thought of so many, they shudder. In fact, such as Enron, really had time to play, it may not trip.
old Jimmy's hesitation and he did not dare to pay for life's attitude, led to Enron and his love is always unstable. Finally one day old wheat study in the UK to flee, leaving Enron alone sad.
Analysis: The man is not responsible for and often not easily commitment. Men do not want too much trouble, he will rack their brains to please you win your favor,uggs for kids, but he never Qingtu promise, always give yourself a body shall withdraw the road.
responses: see other signs of irresponsibility, we must immediately stop their own idea of romance. Can and his friends, but never his illusions.
a home you really want and who will take you to his home to see his parents, friends, and explore your dreams and your future path, rather than to evasive, courteously but without sincerity.
Rule 2 always play the \to less time to meet increasingly shorter. He will also disappear from time to time to time, do not answer the phone nor return messages, and so she was anxious, and suddenly a smile appeared, seem to have forgotten things have disappeared.
Zou Stone had this to say: \thinking to love me, I would not let her sad,cheap australia ugg boots, because I am used to the gentleman in front of girls, style, chic wit a person not only for her. \hospitality, casual attitude to conquer you, so you can not forget his energy and wit, you can not help but miss him, and he is just like the same time does not evaporate in touch with you.
so he re-appeared, he remained, as always, funny, cute. Even if you've heard him a bad reputation, but you still can not help but believe him.
you should get what he can to make you ecstatic, make you feel happy with him is really nice things. Even he is reckless to say that I like a woman, you feel it is his sincere personality flash.
he always unique in your emotional world, full of marvelous. Although sometimes you have noticed she was not only his, but he was hopelessly infatuated.
because of the men, playing both sides and is very easy.
responses: a man finally spoke out on what they really are, sometimes they just play some emotional games. So you must not take it seriously, you have to learn to hide your desires and emotions, keep your sense of mystery, it makes you more attractive. Other more urgent, the more you have to take it lightly. Worrying about their own, let him worry.
Rule 3 last the cards
Zi-hao is a love expert, for those eager to express his love to his girl, he soon lost interest, while another female artist Keiji, she even know their love Zi-hao, and never reveal the slightest their emotions.
She was always with him to keep aloof attitude, not to express her feelings in front of him. Zi-hao was difficult to tell their buddy by the child, he might really fall in love with Keiji, that kind of girl so that he dreamed,uggs on sale, he did not know how the.
Analysis: Remember, always be the last between the two of you the cards. Never worry first light cards, so you can easily take the initiative, without being hurt. When men do not know what you think in the end, his thoughts became more and more of your strong. You have always given him reason to find you.
as long as you leave the idea that he wants to see you, you always have chances to win. If you end the first date on the good faith told him: I like very much to you, you begin to lose.
even if he told you the same thing, you just gently smile, it has won in the details.
In fact, he is not interested in your confession, he was interested in why you are always half a beat slower than him, why he always saw the face of a good but not as if he forgot.
Strategy: Do not care too much about him, do not rush to declare. To live their lives, have their own friends, his hobbies, he is only a small part of your life, not the most important, perhaps, in this game,uggs for sale, you really win it.
Rule 4 Do not worry in the back call
scene: you met, his heart to you, you gave him a business card, you can almost be certain he will give you the office tomorrow, sent a large rose bouquet.
but a week later, you have not received a phone call. 28-year-old Ka-ming said, \
he said, \in love with her, so I was careful to say a few days.
analysis: men who are respected in the film \If so, then it is too easy.
According to our investigation, there is no time limit of ten thousand souls, the core rule is: as long as Kangde Zhu, the first does not return the call.
men sometimes delayed due to lazy just call, they do not have a plan like a woman's sense of urgency, or did not get your phone number to see too important. a man asks you to contact, just not sure that he could give you call.
Countermeasures: or out of the house, or to call a friend, or rent some of the film look, in short, do something to better themselves, do not abandon the old one never will ring the phone. Remember unless you are a masochist, or Do not take other calls that do torture myself.
Rule 5 tender magic potion
scene: \said, \But we are clearly aware of their tenderness is not spilled in vain, returns are always generous. \These trivial flattery or a few romantic gestures have the effect of incredible. \br> But unfortunately, our survey shows that men are always in order to achieve the purpose of fabricating their own sweet to meet a woman.

responses: efforts to distinguish the truth hypocrisy to maintain a high degree of sober mind. If he was general praise the like, \the natural expression of your love.

Rule 6 hours of cold treatment surgery
Scene: Perhaps the start of your love is not perfect, but at least you think that might develop.
but he has been do not call for a whole week, you finally understand: You dumped.
he uses a dishonorable, cowardly abandoned even some tactics: Liang Zhao each other, let her understand the situation.
Analysis: Why choose this break up a man way? One is because it is an easy way to escape. face to face or by telephone break up are no doubt a painful breakup.
Who wants to quarrel? most men do not want to confrontation with a woman in love.
of the men, breaking up numerous fundamental answer is \> There are also practical reasons to straight men and women do not want to break up with me. They leave room for himself,chi hair straighteners, so when he was alone, back to your life.
men know, as long as not too long intervals He did not have to do is to call and apologize for their recent whereabouts lie made some beautiful the lies, and then invited her for leisure,ugg outlet store, then an instant, and she returned to his arms.
Strategy : understanding suggests that men break up, the self-esteem, and this man determined not to fall in love again. constantly remind yourself that you need is a 100% true feelings of men, rather than the elusive a man.

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