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Beijing Municipal People's air defense engineering and general management practices safe use of the basement

In order to strengthen the city defense works and the general management of the safe use of the basement to protect people's lives and property, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation in the city to develop this approach.

second approach applies to city administrative districts for the production and management,ugg color, residential, office and other places people gather people's air defense project, the general basement (hereinafter referred to as \Laws, regulations otherwise provide,ugg store, shall prevail.

the safe use of underground space in the city, who insist that all who is responsible, who use the principle of who is responsible.

underground space by the property owner is responsible for security responsibilities; property management unit management person entrusted by the management unit responsible.

use of underground space of people who should be subject to property rights, the management unit management, the use of actions.

fourth use of underground space in commercial, cultural entertainment, hotels and other business activities or as a place to live, the underground space property rights, management shall ensure that underground space meet the following conditions:

(a) comply with fire safety, and health regulations, and by the public security fire control institutions, health authorities pass the inspection.

(b) Housing construction safety, there is no dangerous components.

(c) has the upper and lower water, health issues, electricity facilities.

(d) a well-ventilated and set mechanical ventilation or air conditioning system, and ensure effective use. Use of underground space normally required for fresh air, and the corresponding air system, return air systems that meet the design specifications.

(V) with flood control, anti-water intrusion facilities.

(f) required to set up and equipped with mechanical smoke exhaust system, automatic sprinkler system, emergency lighting systems, automatic fire alarm systems and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment.

property rights of underground space, the management unit of the use of underground space, shall observe the following:

(a) develop the implementation of public security, fire, health, construction and other management laws, regulations and rules of specific measures.

(b) the establishment of fire prevention, flood control, public order, health and other liability regimes. Available to another user, who signed with the use of letters of responsibility for the safe use of underground space, people clearly use the safe use of underground space obligations, and use the people to supervise the fulfillment of obligations; found in violation of safety management with laws, regulations, rules and regulations or the safe use of obligations in a timely manner to stop, correct, report to the relevant administrative departments.

(c) the use of civil air defense project, shall be in accordance with the area and county people's air defense requires the use approved by the department.

(d) shall not change the main structure of underground space engineering or removal of underground space engineering equipment and facilities.

(e) exits and evacuation routes to meet safety specifications. Emergency exit shall not be used shutter doors, revolving doors, hanging doors or side sliding door, the door opened to the evacuation.

(f) entrance of the underground space in the civil air defense sector, construction (housing) issued by the administrative departments of people's air defense system works, common ground with signs.

(vii) establishment of safety inspection,uggs outlet, maintenance and management system to guarantee the normal use of safety equipment.

(h) of the relevant administrative department inspection found potential causes of accidents, within the prescribed time to be eliminated.

(i) shall promptly report the fire, infectious diseases and other emergencies.

(x) underground space may not be rented to non-valid documents to prove that the entity or individual.

(k) to comply with other relevant national and city management of the safe use of underground space requirements. Article

the use of underground space who shall observe the following:

(a) responsibility for the safe use of underground space to fulfill the book's obligations and the way the safe use of Article V (d), (viii) of paragraph (i) of the Convention.

(b) The use of different nature, to ensure that the use of underground space in line with state regulations related to the industry standards of hygiene.

(c) of the decoration, decoration material meets the state and city fire regulations, health requirements for decoration, decoration during construction operations shall not be put into use.

(d) not to store liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, liquefied petroleum gas shall not use flashing lights is less than 60 `C and the liquid fuel.

(e) protect the safety of exports, evacuation routes clear, while some people may not be locked.

(f) shall not engage in the underground space of dangerous chemicals, fireworks and other hazardous materials production and management. Shall not be stored underground explosion flammable items.

(g) according to the national technical regulations on fire safety installation, use electrical appliances, design and laying of power lines; against overload of electricity.

(h) shall not be set in the underground space invaded oil immersed power transformers and other electrical equipment.

(ix) the capacity of underground space shall not exceed the authorized number of personnel. Authorized number of specific measures and standards, the municipal department in charge of civil air defense, construction (housing) development of administrative departments.

(j) safety education of practitioners and to develop security plans for emergency rescue.

(k) to comply with other relevant national and city management of the safe use of underground space requirements.

use of underground space in the hotel industry, setting quarters, as well as other residential areas, underground space, property, management unit, who in addition shall comply with article five, Article VI, but also shall observe the following:

(a) per room not less than 4 square meters floor area.

(b) shall not be set on the bed.

(c) disinfestation with effective anti-biological facilities, disinfection facilities and waste, waste storage dedicated facilities.
Article VIII

offered the use of underground space for shopping (shops, markets), and its place of business shall not be set in the ground and three underground three or less. Prohibits the use of underground space offering products wholesale market.
Article IX

city government leaders at all levels of the administrative regions of the underground space security

use management.

municipal, district and county people's air defense authorities, construction (housing) administrative departments are responsible for civil air defense projects, the basement of the safe use of common integrated management. Municipal, district and county departments of production safety supervision and management of underground space, integrated work safety supervision and management of sudden facilities.

planning, public security, health, business, cultural and other administrative departments shall, in accordance with the laws, regulations,UGG Kensington, rules and regulations of the Municipal People's Government safety regulatory functions, is responsible for the safe use of space-related reduction management.

Article municipal, district and county people's air defense authorities, construction (housing) administrative departments should improve the management of underground space of the number, location, size, ownership and management unit and other basic conditions of the log file . District and county people's air defense authorities, construction (housing) administrative department of the log file should be provided to the district offices and town and township people's government to use.
Article XI

district offices and town and township people's government, coordinate and supervise the civil air defense, construction (housing), safety, planning, safety, health, business, culture and other functional departments or agencies full-time discharge Mainland people go under the administrative fingering work space.

district offices and township governments should continue to establish the safe use of space under the Mainland inspection system, under the periodic inventory of the space down the use of the Mainland; find illegal use of underground space or the existence of potential hazards of underground space , and promptly notify the relevant administrative departments, relevant administrative departments after receiving the notice,ugg snow boots, shall promptly according to law.

Article XII usual defense works area shall be provided by the county people's air defense department for approval and obtain \

Article XIII, the city implemented the use of the basement of an ordinary registration system.

rental property management unit of ordinary people or the basement, it should enter into a written lease contract with the lessee, and of the contract Sunday after 15 days of the basement to the general location of the building (housing) administrative department for registration.

property management unit using an ordinary person or the basement, it shall, within 15 days beginning with Sunday the basement to the general location of the building (housing) administrative department of registration of the pump case.
Article XIV

safety, people's air defense, construction (housing), public security, health, business, culture, the safe use of underground space bears responsibility for the management of the administrative department expanded use of ground units engaged in production and operation supervision and inspection, exercise the following powers;

(a) into the underground space to check out the information on to the relevant units and persons.

(ii) safety inspections found violations on the spot to correct or to request a time limit; that shall be given administrative punishment according to law as an administrative sanction.

(c) to check potential accident found, it shall order an immediate exclusion; significant hidden dangers before or eliminate the process of exclusion can not guarantee safety, it shall order the officer to withdraw from the dangerous area, ordered a temporary stop business operations or production use; major accident hazards removed, examined and approved before they can resume production operations use.

(d) to have grounds to believe that the production does not meet safety standards or conduct of national standardization of facilities, equipment, equipment is subject to seizure or detention, and should be dealt with according to law within 15 days of the decision.

Article XV of the property rights of underground space, the management unit violation of the provisions of Article IV provides that failure to comply with the use of underground space to ensure that the conditions for business activities by the civil air defense sector, construction (housing) administrative department shall order correction and impose a fine of 3 million,moncler moncler, non-business activities engaged in by the civil air defense sector, construction (housing) administrative departments shall order a correction and a fine of 1,000 yuan everywhere.

Article XVI of the property rights of underground space, the management units in violation of Article V of this approach does not perform safety management obligations,new ugg Stiefel, shall be punished by the relevant departments in accordance with the following;

(a) violation of the provisions of Article (a), (b) provides that, by the civil air defense sector, construction (housing) administrative department of more than 500 yuan and 100 yuan fine.

(b) violation of the provisions of Article V (f) provides that, by the civil air defense sector, construction (housing) administrative department a fine of 500 to 1,000.

(c) violation of the provisions of Article V (j) of this Law, the district or county public security organs at 1,000 yuan fine.

Article XVII of the use of underground space in violation of Article VI of the approach (b), (c) of subsection (d), (e) above, (f), article (vii), (viii) above, (j) provides, the public security fire control institutions, health authorities, production safety supervision and management departments according to law

the use of underground space in violation of Article VI of this approach (i) provides that underground space to accommodate the number of personnel by authorized, by the civil air defense sector, construction (housing) shall order correction, and at 3 million fine. Lifting team as a cultural entertainment, the public security organ shall order him to give a warning,ugg online, ordered to suspend business for rectification, and more than 1 million divided by 1,000 the following first issue; circumstances are serious, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke its business license.

eighteenth underground space property rights, management unit, use in violation of Article VII of this approach (a), (b) provides that the hotel on the set by the district and county public security organs at the 1 million over 3 million fine; on the set as well as other residential accommodation places, from the district and county public security organs at 500 yuan to 1,000 yuan fine.

violation of the provisions of Article XIX Article XIII, rented,australian sheepskin boots, used according to the building is not an ordinary basement (Housing), the record level of administrative departments, from building (house) shall order correction, and on engaged in business activities at the 1 million or above 3 million fine for engaging in non-business activities more than 500 yuan and 1,000 yuan fine, XX in this way their January 1, 2005 shall come into force.

on the \

First, the necessity and the drafting of legislation

ended June 2004, the city a total of 27,978 underground space engineering office, total floor area of 20,546,890 square meters (excluding the central unit and the army of underground space engineering.) Among them, the civil air defense projects 12.429, the use of an area of 6,136,281 square meters; ordinary basement at 15,775, with an area of 14,035,879 square meters, the utilization rate of 68%. Among them, 2,924 at the air defense project has been used, the use of an area of 2,209,498 square meters, the utilization rate of 36%, the general has spent 12,851 at the basement, use an area of 11,826,381 square meters, the utilization rate of 82%. Mainly used for garage, warehouse, hotel, residential, entertainment, shopping (market, shops), teaching office, workshop and so on. Strengthen the safe use of underground space management, a comprehensive good job of urban safety management is an important task. Municipal government attached great importance to strengthen the underground space is an important component of urban management is an important part of security management, to enhance safety management, the implementation of preventive measures to avoid major security problems. Knowledge in accordance with city leaders, as we Shichi Law Commission,moncler sale, the capital of comprehensive management office conducted extensive research on this issue and to convene the relevant departments on the legislative work of the city underground space was carefully studied, jointly drafted the \air defense engineering and general management practices safe use of the basement (draft) \

from the research, the current underground space outside the city there are several major problems: First, the users of underground space planning approval is not applicable by its nature, resulting in the approval of underground space use and actual use inconsistent, both the safety design of underground space can not meet the security needs of actual use. Second, the underground space property rights, managers, users do not implement the fire, flood, epidemic prevention and other appropriate security measures, the existence of underground space led to some accidents. If the number of entrances and traffic capacity can not meet the evacuation requirements; illegal deposit-taking capacity of explosive fuel or use of dangerous goods is easy; engineering facilities are not complete within the fire fighting equipment or fire safety measures are not implemented; user works without approval or the internal structure of Cagai or equipment and facilities; projects are too dense to live; Engineering College Students Donate Sperm internal environment, internal ventilation equipment and facilities are not complete or backward, reach epidemic prevention requirements and so on. Third, without reporting the unauthorized use of civil air defense projects, there is no legitimate use approval procedures, no safety precautions. Fourth, civil air defense engineering, general management responsibility for the basement to be further clarified,ugg australian, the relevant management systems need to be further strengthened, particularly for an area of space under the 70% of total area of the basement of the safe use of common management system needs improvement.

departments and areas for city government, county government in the \special meeting of the \Especially for the Government Offices Administration of the State Council put forward by the underground space management issues throughout the county, city Civil Air Defense Office, the Urban Construction Commission proposed partition problem management responsibilities, district and county's underground space unified regulatory issues, state-owned property rights of underground space and administrative dual role of manager of stripping the problem, the city Planning Commission, City of Industry, Safety Bureau and other city departments manage the safe use of underground space for the basic system issues. We specialize in made to the deputy mayor of Jilin, reporting and instructions. Held a special meeting, vice mayor of Jilin, was studied, that the management of underground space should first clearly define the safety management of various government departments the responsibility of various departments to duties; second is the \Who is responsible, who is responsible who use \the city on the central and the jurisdiction of the underground space partition problem, because the problem is specific working level, the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office national authorities to resolve specific consultations, and not expressed in rules and regulations. According to these instructions, we are on the safe use of underground space standards and specifications for mobile phones and study carefully, based on the Management of Social Security Office and the capital city of the relevant departments jointly convened \(Draft). \

II \

(a) specifying the use of underground space in terms of security should be put into basic qualifications. Construction of underground space for the city's specific situation is more complicated, the actual use of the type used in a wide variety, there are many hidden dangers of the situation, in the drafting process, the relevant departments agreed that the use of which can be developed underground space, use of inputs underground space in the security management What are the basic requirements should be, \To this end,ugg outlet store, we fully listen to city departments, primary management and property rights of underground space, managers, users,uggs outlet nederland, etc. on the basis of opinions, after repeated demonstration, 研究, in accordance with the capital at this stage to ensure security and development level principle, in the \space offering products wholesale market.

(b) strengthen the security of the ordinary use and management of the basement. Common form of underground space basement accounts for most of the city, strengthen the security of ordinary use and management of the basement is a good management of the safe use of underground space in our city the most important task. \To guarantee complete control of the administrative department of construction of the basement of the use of common regulatory information, to enhance the safe use of the ordinary management of the basement, the basement of City Construction Committee recommended the use of general practice registration system, we adopted the views of the city built as, in the \(Draft) \

(c) property on the underground space, managers, users and management responsibilities. Underground space in land ownership, managers, users and security in the management of underground space in the front line in the position, clearly defined property rights of underground space, administrator, use the safe use of human responsibility, is to avoid and reduce the underground space The key potential causes of accidents. \Meanwhile, the \property rights of underground space, people use a code of conduct must comply with specific provisions.

addition, the \


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